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we've hit 3316 users!

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The question is why do only 200 of them actually post on here?A forum I once went on had 3000-4000 users, and I couldn't keep up with posting...not like that in here.Just some food for thought...

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Yeah, well 1506 members have 0 posts and a further 609 have less than 5 posts.Which makes elegable members rest at a snug 1201, not 3316 as flaunted here on this post. And besides, I can only see 3295 users... which would make 1180 elegable members...

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There needs to be a clean up of the users, many of them are not posting at all - i think i said about half - there was a topic on this. The TOS needs to be enforced :lol:

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Yeah, I started the topic last time. Lots of numbers in that one too. But only the ones I mentioned by name and physically linked to the page got removed. Not the other quadrillion redundant members... so yeah someone needs to make a buzz down there in the stagnant member bin. It'll only take maybe an hour (i guess, i have no idea) then everything will be fresh as daisies. For a while.

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