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Shopping Cart....?

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Yes, whatever Random has mentioned are there. I can't think of a hosting without FANTASTICOS now.... Thanks to FNH  :mrgreen:

What about FreeWebs? Geocities? :D

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Try 'Agora Shopping Cart'  

Some others in Fantastico are...  

Zen Cart - http://www.zen-cart.com/

Cube Cart - https://www.cubecart.com/

OS Commerce - https://www.oscommerce.com/


If you are after one that isn't in Fantastico, sorry... I can't help you... try Googling it :D

ok i'll check into these thanks alot random! 8)

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I know it's not free, but the paypal one is really useful and easy to set up. It really depends on how much you expect to sell really.With the free ones, how do you go about getting card authorisations? Does that cost?

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I looked at paypal, but if I use them then that means that ppl have to sign up with paypal and that might drive ppl away.if I use paypal ppl have to sign up to pay for things right? :?:

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Not to sure, I think there might be an option where they can just use there card - but don't quote me on that one.But more people that you think have paypal. I do :mrgreen:

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just so yall know (FYI) I went with PayPal. They do take out a small fee per transcaction. (BUT IT'S VERY SMALL)


also, it's the buyer's choice if they want to sign up for a PayPal account when they buy the item, or if they just want to buy the item and not sign up for PayPal. 8) :lol::D:lol: :arrow: :!:


But you have to have a Premier or Business account for this.


for more info visit: https://www.paypal.com/us/home


THANKS FOR THE HELP!!!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I NEEDED THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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