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I need a bit of help please

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I am tryin to build a forms page that submits to email, and my problem doesn't seem to begin with bad code, it seems as though my HTML editing program does not support the PHP language, therefore I am getting stuck with the php code I am inputting being stuck on my page. I am a novice to building websites, therefore am not familiar with php at all, but am realizing where my first mistake is coming from. Also, even when viewing my page in the browser, the php code shows up as text on the page.My questions are this:Can someone tell me a good prog that can understand not only hmtl but other languages such as php as well?And second, when writing the form, do I input the php code into the same file that I am writing the html code in, or do they have to 2 seperate files?Someone please help because although there are several pages that list "how to's" and explain sample code of what needs to be written, I cannot use them because I am stuck at the begining, so can't even get to that stage yet.Thanks to all of you who may be able to help

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For the first one, good luck with finding one. I've been searching for one for a while, and can't find one.For the second one, you can do either. If you're trying to do this on your home computer, you'll need a web server, PHP, and (probably) MySQL.

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You may want to be careful building a form that does emails. I have heard of bots that seek out forms that allow you to send emails and then start submitting and resubmitting the form. As a form of spam. This company had their customer service database go down because of it. You may want to make sure to use the form you will need to be logged in or have it write to a database. Then if you need it mailed off you can have a script run at various times during the day.

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For the 1st its very hard to get like codeFX said.Second one.. u can try this way....do up your form and do up your php in seprate filestest them in a web server that supports CGI(for forms its so far the easiers to understand) and PHP.If it boths works well...combine it into one file and try it out.It should work this way.

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I have a form , contact me at luukwullink@gmail.com i wil send it to you.It is an easy to use script in php and you dont require any database , just PHP.

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