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what kind of video card do u have?

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256 mb geforce nvidia... the best nvidia... dont know the exact specs on it cuz the box is upstairs and im getting sick of typing all this

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i have a GeForce FX 5200Basicly, its the cheapest FX with 128 Mb ram. Nice advantage though is that it only takes 1 slot and has a silent fan. Super nice video cards are only really needed by serious gamers and people who work in the multimedia area.

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GeForce 3 TI 500. Asus. Probably overpriced when I bought it, but it's better than the GeForce MXs and it doesn't explode when running HL2 or CS:S. Doesn't explode too much. Actually, running all the quality settings as low is still fine, and most games I play now (if I have time) still work without me having to restart every thirty minutes. :mrgreen:

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I have a Ati Radeon 9250 128MB...and it was like $50 and it works really nice with every game i play....It's not the best one you can buy but it is better than nothing you know.

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