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Wondering how many people have them live strong bands here. there saying now there more of cool fashionble item now. I acctually agree with them. People are selling them at school. And that means the money is not going to the right place

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My house mates have a couple. I think there a good idea, but selling them at school is not on. Seriously, tell a teacher or something, it kind of defeats the object.

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thats llegal to sell them again or soemthing. well you cant sell them for more. and arent they only $1USD each? why are people selling them for $10+USD? is crazy. i like them but its pointless to have them since everyone has them.

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Live strong bands? What's that?


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a live strong band is a yellow braclet thing that says livestrong on it it means cancer or somthing but i got one on my arm i also got one of those 53k braclets from stand it means that 53,000 people die every year in the usa from smoking cigs and i got a

one nation wrist band that means u support the us troops or somthing but yeah they

are cool i like them i have like 100 different braclets on my wrist i think i even have

a pic of them


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I don't have a live strong, I do have an "I voted B;ue" band though. The same exact thing, only blue for the democratic party. Oh, and a fair warning for those who where the lives strong bands- In many hospitals in the U.S., a yellow band of the same material as the live strong bands are DNR bands, or "Do Not Resussitate". There was an article about the because some girl around here was in the hospital and she was unconcious, and a doctor came in and saw the wrist band and was going to leave her there until a nurse notified him that it was a Live Strong band. Kinda freaky.

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