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Fire Wallpaper (Good for sigs too)

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Ok people, this is my first tutorial here. I hope u enjoy it. And sorry for my mistakes with english. Let´s go:


1. Make a new document. It´s interesting that the size of the doc be ur screen resolution. I used 800x600.


2. Go to Filter>Render>Lens Flare. Let default value. Put a light in the center and more 4 lights, each one in 1 corner. Some looked with this:


Posted Image


3. Now go to Filter>Sketch>Chrome. Use this:

Detail: 0

Smoothness: 10


Posted Image


4. Now u need to choose 1 color to ur wallpaper. I used the something like a fire color. For this, press Ctrl+B and move the bars totally to RED and totally to Yellow. U should something ORANGE.


5. Duplicate the layer pressing Ctrl+J. Go to Filter>Distort>Wave. Use the defaut values. Press Randomize until u like the result. Click OK. Put this layer at OVERLAY. Press Ctrl+E to join. Look:


Posted Image


6. Repeat step 5. But at this time let this layer at SOFT LIGHT. Ctrl+E again.


7. Go to Filter>Distort>Twirl. Use 200º. Hit OK.


8. Duplicate this layer (Ctrl+J). Apply Twirl Again, but use -400º this time. Hit OK. Let this layer at LIGHTEN.


Congratulations!!! U done ur wallpaper!!! U can change the filters to make variations.... U can cut a peace and make a sig for u!!


Final Result:


Posted Image


Another Result:


Posted Image


I cut a peace and I making a nwe sig for me:


Posted Image


Use ur imagination!!! Hope U like it!! :D

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