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Leaving, and not bring in anyone anymore

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We dont trust the free fnh anymore and why should we trust the paid hosting then??? Give me a good reason to trust paid hosting, because its got the same people behind it... More and more big members are leaving and with a good reason is our opinion... They to are leaving fnh alltogether and aint going to the paid section, or am i wrong? There is just no trust in fnh and it will get worse i guesse...


Thanks anyways, good luck in the future

Let me explain to you (I bet you are related to Stimpy of Ren & stimpy)

The admin has 2 servers. One for paid and resellers and one for free accounts. The paid & reseller server has no problems cus admin can pay that because people pay for those.

He doesn't get any money for that. At one day he couldn't pay it anymore.

But just when he cancelled the free serve someone wanted to join him and share the server and pay both say there would still be free hosting.

But datacenter didn't receive the second email so the server was cancelled, forcing admin to get a new one. But there are some troubles setting up. So don't blame admin, blame yourself and society.

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I know you guys are really dissapointed with this...(me too)...I got no news/respones from admin....but I'm still here...FNH! Waiting and waiting for it to be open...

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I know you guys are really dissapointed with this...(me too)...I got no news/respones from admin....but I'm still here...FNH! Waiting and waiting for it to be open...

No news is good news??

Naz, do you what happened to Whiz?

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Dissapointed again and again it isn't the first time and it wont be the last is our opinion... And where are the top admins? Thats just my case, the didn't even reply here... But no matter we found a better host for now, closer 2 home (the Netherlands)Good luck with waiting(sorry for the bad english)Just take a LITTLE responsability even if its free... We are running an non profit chat community and are always up 2 date... But please even the admins here aren't up 2 date, thats bad... We 2 make no money and spend A LOT of free time in our chat but 2 keep the fun up you have a responsability... Be straight up and people deserve and respect that more then saying where up in 12 hours a week ago like it goes here.Just call me a complainer, thats fine with me, but its just a remark and hoping you (who the hell i dont know) will do something with it.Beergie

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Whizz was logged in, briefly, yesterday. I think when he saw his modrights were gone, he couldn't be bothered and nicked off again!------------------And beergie is right. The main problem is not so much the downtime as it is the lack of information. Everyone including other admins are simply left in the dark. If admin had spend a few minutes from time to time talking to someone - anyone in the community whivh could relay his plans/thoughts/problems, that would have gone a long way to alleviate this 'unrest'.

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There is NO TRUST in the paid hosting either now

NO TRUST??? I bought hosting, and I've had 100% uptime so far! Suck on that!

hmmm... good word you are using. i hope you are happy

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