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New server will be up in 12---WHY DECIEVE?

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umm there a a page where there says the uptime for the paid and for free.... the paid is 99.9% and free 95% but it not true at all.. and I don't want to wait 2 freaken weeks for a sight to be up... having a server is a job and it a weekly job it not a thing to do for fun... If I have to I will make my own friggen server for my own damn website. I don't mean to be rude but I been very patient. I have been asked of why the sight down and I have to keep coming up with reasons. I do not like being called a newb and I do not want to get anyone angry it just taken way to long to switch the server.

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Is it me or does Hazza have a slight attitude problem?Dude, your meant to be a moderator try an be a bit diplomatic and courteous.

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Is it me or does Hazza have a slight attitude problem?
Dude, your meant to be a moderator try an be a bit diplomatic and courteous.

I am both - It's just that everyone has been asking the same question over and over and over and over and over - I even had people PM me about it.

Anyway the server is up now - so be happy :mrgreen:

Edit 1: Just noticed that you didn't even get my name right.

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C'mon people, get with it. You're really pushing your luck here. Guess what - the admins and mods don't have to do this. You're not entitled to get everything you want when you're not paying a cent. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. They're doing the best they can.

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C'mon people, get with it. You're really pushing your luck here. Guess what - the admins and mods don't have to do this.  You're not entitled to get everything you want when you're not paying a cent. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. They're doing the best they can.

Cant agree more. Creating topics like this is disrespectful to say the least :|

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