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New server will be up in 12---WHY DECIEVE?

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It is kind of misleading to say 12 hours when you mean more like a week or longer? that happens to be around the 168 hour mark. So whats the deal? no-one seems to be keeping the community up to date, there seems to be no grass roots members who stick around on a regular basis. I have a msg board with 60 users and they constantly post and hold the fort down 24/7..To be honest with you I am still building my site offline so this time fracture doesn't bother me too much. It's the way its been handled that irks me. The admins and mod I have seen don't seem to be answering questions and trying not to get nippy with the n00bs..Come on guys tell us what the deal is.. yes I know "WHY" but 12 hours is frankly not true so if your having problems tell us what so we can be happy to chill out and wait.

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Are there any people here willing to give a straight up response instead of quoting a line from eminiems latest mtv whoring project?Jesus please instill some faith into me that there are people here with IQ's above 15. :?

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haha i have 140/160 iq but the test wasnt offical, but there is no good way yet of ditermining your real IQ 8) btw sorry for that line i was in an eminem moodand yes it has been around a week BUT ITS FUKCKING FREE, waht'd you expect

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I know its free but I just want to be told a rough guide on when, if, how...There seems to be no-one on the board giving straight answers or even giving us an inkling of whats going on behind closed doors. I don't expect too much.

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I know its free but I just want to be told a rough guide on when, if, how...
There seems to be no-one on the board giving straight answers or even giving us an inkling of whats going on behind closed doors.  

I don't expect too much.

ah ok, but noone knows the admin might be dead or something. anyhow he isnt taking good responsibility

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I'm an regular member of FNH... I'm a mod...I dont get nippy @ new people.As with the "whats going on behind the closed doors" i cant tell, i dont even know...So i cant give a anwser on the question "when will the server be online" or something...admin('s) and the rest of the crew are peepz 2 :wink:

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Ok here is your answer:Paid hosting is up because it is a profitable service.Free hosting is maintained during people's spare time. The admin and mods do not get paid for their srvices, it is all done in their spare time.With regards to when the server will be up, it all depends on when the admin has free time - he stated 12 hours, but something must of come up.With regards to mods and admin, we try our best to keep people informed, but usualy the same question (yes like this one) is asked serveral time in different topics, all over the forum.All I ask is users use the search button.When we know, you will know - it's that simple.As for grass root members, there are some here, but a lot of users are like you, just come to the forum when you want to compalin.As of now, there is no further news.-Hazaa-

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As for grass root members, there are some here, but a lot of users are like you, just come to the forum when you want to compalin

Best words i have ever seen :D

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Thanks for the response.

As for grass root members, there are some here, but a lot of users are like you, just come to the forum when you want to compalin.


Yup, theres nippy.

Hmm, maybe you should take your own advice there buck and use the search feature.

You will then magically find, as if from nowhere, that I have posted quite a few topics for my few days here. None of them spam; and in relation to a post I made in "Games" a topic that took me 15 minutes to research links and make an interesting article for people to read.

I am not the sort to just try and make a quick 5 posts and be on my way because I appreciate what this service is about as I have allready stated.

You are not qualified to associate me with other posters if you do not check up on the simple fact that I am trying to be a member of this community. That would also entail asking questions about something I would like to know about.

Thank you.

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I find the service is very poor... I know the paid custmor will get the better serice but a week of the server being down is just bad. I think fnh needs more than 1 or 2 admins. If it was me I would have 4.. 2 to take care of the paid and 2 for the free. and maybe one spare if someone sick... I hopped around to servers so much and this one was one of the worst for downtime. the 95% uptime should be changed to 60% uptime becuase it is no where near 90%...

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BUT ITS FUKCKING FREE, waht'd you expect

Exactly what I have been saying in every post that I have made on this kind of topic. Please show some patience as everyone is at hurt when its down and nothing is special about your case. 8)

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I find the service is very poor... I know the paid custmor will get the better serice but a week of the server being down is just bad. I think fnh needs more than 1 or 2 admins.  If it was me I would have 4.. 2 to take care of the paid and 2 for the free. and maybe one spare if someone sick... I hopped around to servers so much and this one was one of the worst for downtime. the 95% uptime should be changed to 60% uptime becuase it is no where near 90%...

I just want to point a few things out here:


1. I don't think that the service is poor. I haven't had a chance to use it yet (I'm too lazy), but have a look here:




Other people obviously don't think that it is poor either.


2. It isn't up to you. It is up to the founder of the service how many admins there are.


3. How do you know what the uptime of the website it? It might be 95% if the website has been around for a while, and the uptime might be for the other servers, not the free one.


4. Next time, please think before you speak. Even I (yes, a lowly n00b) gets annoyed by people saying that a free service is poor. What did you expect? Royal treatment? The admins have lives of their own and they providing this service costs them money, so what gives you the right to complain about it?


Admins/mods, please delete any of this that you think is inappropriate. I got a little carried away here :oops: .[/url]

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I would have to say that basically everything that you said was responsible, true and shouldn't be deleted or edited by a Moderator. I'm happy to start seeing newer people(around 50 posts) respect this place and not complain then the regular people(around 200 posts) standing up for it. Way to go. 8)

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