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Bad hosting - Yet Another Rant

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I personally think that the server "xerox-hosting" is up and ready!I think admin is thinking wether to provide free hosting or not... Just a thought..

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i hope he brings free hosting if not i quit doing websites.... thi is like my 9th one and aint starting one again everyhost i goto dies shortly after i get it... never fails when i find the greatest hosting...

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Some free hosting providers are reliable, but that are the ones with advertisements or with specifics that you cannot even compare with FNH.Look at geocities. You can say it sucks to have ads on your page and the other things, but at least they are stable.And then my other favorite: atspace. You have unlimited bandwith and less downtime than on most paid hosts. The only thing is that there is a filesize limit of 200k and no cpanel/php and that stuff. But you have instant activation for as much domains/subdomains as you want and 50mb of space. More than enough if you don't need php and big files.

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