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I know, literally, this should be in the Film topic but it surpasses that in so many levels. This is too imortant to be there. Look at it... amazing.

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i dont care, but still $256USD for a poster! thats stupid. i would probaly make $1 just becuase i could probay sell it for $2 i have no interest in stuff like that. image if i got drab pits signature, oh boy would i be rich.

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But thats not the point. Brad Pitt didn't look at this. It was signed by someone way, way better. And you said you had no interest. So go away.

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lol... Are you the one that's selling it? Cos if you are, nice! otherwise... i wouldnt bid on it... i havnt even heard of Stanley Kubrick... is he an astronaut? :roll:

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Stanley Kubrick was a great movie director and producer along with 2001 Space Odyssey some of the other films to his credit are The Shining,Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange and many more

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Stanley Kubrick was a great movie director and producer along with 2001 Space Odyssey some of the other films to his credit are The Shining,Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange and many more

dont give a *BLEEP* about him

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Grats on your new poster!!Come on now guys if he likes that kind of stuff, why are we bashing him?I bought my copy of World of Warcraft on eBay for 80 dollars, just because I didn't feel like waiting for Blizzard to launch the boxes again.Try getting WoW in stores now.

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If you dont care then dont post - isn't that the point of this whole place? I mean if you're not interested or not posting something constructive, isn't that basically the definition of spamming?But seriously Stanley Kubrick is by far and away the best film director of all time. Basically, Stanley Kubrick is to films what Shigeru Miyamoto is to games.

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