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my site 500mb of free e-books

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hi friends,


i have got my site up now,


i have 500mb of e-books in tutorials sections,

i am making other sections ready,

till the n u can sign up with my site

i will notify u as soon as i make other sections ready,


please give me suggestions and any stuff u will like to display there with ur name.

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You could make a java section. (I do not mean javascript, that would require another section.) :D I don't like your banner. IMO you should remove it and replace it with google ads.(see further) However, if you want to keep it, try to make the 'Learn the art of programming' much, much longer. At the moment it only attracts my eyes and makes me look at it instead of reading your articles and other content. It would be good in your signature as others would click on it, but people on your website are already there.Your website has a great potential. The design is simple and good. I wouldn't change it. As soon as you finish it (if the links work, not if you have much content) and if you're sure all the e-books and other stuff are legal, apply for the google ads. https://www.google.com/adsense/start/?gsessionid=SwO-hIVsePGb49Z-x-XWsw is the website and I should put them on the top (where your banner is) or on the right. You can make them in every web-color, so they won't be annoying. In your case, they could be even usefull for the visitors. And I think you could get some pocket money out of it, let's say in a year.Get some visitors. That's the hardest part. You should make a link section and make some reciprocal links with related websites. Do some SEO optimisation (a lot). I bookmarked your website and I will try to give you some tips later when I have more time. Just one thing I noticed while bookmarking it: change your title!!!! Make it as descriptive as possible and full of keywords like articles, code, your sitename, c++, jave,... But try not to make longer than 7-10 words.Some other advice:Every website needs an own domain name. (you have it)WWW and w/O www are big ennemies. Almost everyone uses the www version and if I were you, I would use it. Otherwise, do not EVER use it. You have to choose and do not use them both. It is very confusing for the search engines, and they could consider them as two identical websites, and no that is not good; two times a top 100 ranking and one top 10 ranking are not the same. And one of those websites will get banned by google eventually. Do this BEFORE submitting your website to google what you should do as soon as possible as one of the hundreds criterias of google is the age of your website.I will try to make a SEO review when I have time for it. And certainly go on with it! It will take huge ammounts of time, but it is certainly worth it. Even if your website won't become famous, you will have learned a lot from it.

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Another thing: do not start with many subjects at a time: e-books for programming and articles about programming are enough for the beginning. You can always add other stuff if your website gets bigger. Niche websites are appreciated by many people. So concentrate on one thing. An example: a forum could be very good for your website, but certainly do not add it now. Add it whan you get much visitors and when you are ready for it.

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hifirst of all thanks for ur advice,i did not understand the www and w/o www thing can u please explain it ?i have got 60MB traffic with 170 unique visitors in 20 dayscan u plz tell me how can i improve that figure ?

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No problem. I spend a lot of time on my own website and I made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot about the internet and websites. And you're one of the only at FNH with a website with a domain and with a clear goal. Your website could become famous.(not a stupid forum, design website or clan website - not that I have anything against that sort of website, but they won't be there in a few months)


It's the difference between http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I should advice you to always use the one with www. Otherwise you should only use the one without the www. You have to choose between them. If you choose the www one, you should always write it with www and add a redirect from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (you can do that in cpanel). However, a small number of websites prefer to use the version w/o(without) the www. As I said, it's your choice, but you have to choose.


Do you know http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , or is that just a coincidance?


About the traffic. That is a very long story and you will have to learn a lot of that by yourself. I should need a few pages to just explain the basics. But I can try. :mrgreen:


Put your banner in your signature and maybe make the programming thing stay longer and maybe add your domain name codezila to it. You can host it at http://www.imageshack.us/ . You will even get a BBCode for it. You just have to add a link to your website to it.

[url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ]your image[ /url] just be sure to delete the two spaces in the tags
This will get you maybe 10 visitors a day, depending on how much you post.(estimate)


Then you have to get some links. You must go to other related websites (programming) and ask for a link exchange. (if they have a link page) Just send them a nice email that you like their website and that you have a programming website yourself (description!!) and that you wanted to exchange links with that website (be sure to link to them first and give them the url). Do not panic if you don't receive a reply the next day. Most of them won't reply or only after a month. After that month you can maybe delete the link if they haven't replied yet.


There are also a lot of directories where you can get a link from. But here you have to be very carefull.


The most important directories are Dmoz, looksmart and Yahoo. In your case, I suggest to wait a few months before submitting your website for review to those directories. They are very important and you need a very good website for them. So start with the smaller ones and try to find some especially dedicated to programming or other computer-related things.


You should learn what PR is. It is PageRank, a factor of google that determines how much and how good the links to your website are. Those links are called backlinks. It's a scale from zero to ten and you can view it in the google bar in IE(download it somewhere from google). It's a green line and if you hold your cursor over it, you will see the pr value. It's only updated every few months and do not put too much attention to it, but it is very usefull.


Why am I telling this? Google doesn't like FreeForAll lists and things like that. Some directories aren't human-edited (always look for that) and you can autosubmit your site to those. Do NOT use that. Google can BAN your website for that and that's very bad. So you will always have to look at the directory if it is

1) human-edited (if they say it might take a few weeks/months, you can be quite sure, and do not panic, it's worth submitting to those directories where you have to wait a long time)

2) the frontpage must AT LEAST have a pr of 2 (not zero or grey).Otherwise do not even think of joining it as there is a high possiblility of it being banned by google.(the page on where your link will come is also very important, but as long as the front page has a pr, it can increase)

3) If a directory looks suspicious or looks the same as another one, do not risk it, there are enough directories.


4) You have to provide your email adress. Give a valid one, but use one that is dedicated to directories, so use a new hotmail/gmail or something like that. Although most of them won't send you spam, you can never be sure.

5) Get a good title. This will be your most important keyword for google. I suggest to use something like Code Zila or CodeZila. A longer one will not likely be accepted, but you can try Code Zila Programming.

6) Think of a good description for your website. Not too short and not too long. Use good sentences with a verb, neutral, descriptive and so on. Try not to use "You (will find here)", "I", your title, "the best" and others. Something like "Learn more about programming in c++, java in e-books and articles." (a bit longer)

7) !!!! This is for every link! Always check if the directory provides direct links (when you hold your mouse above it there should be your website in the status bar and not https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=theirwebsite&e=com or https://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=theirwebsite&e=com.) Unless you think you can get much visitors form their website, they are certainly not worh it as google doesn't count them as backlinks.


I just found a good list of directories you can submit too. Be carefull because the many of the 'newest additions' are FFA (at least I think so) as they have PR=0 and they have the same layout.



Here is another one I like: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . It is very new and doesn't get much visitors, but as there are only a few sites listed, it is definately worth a try. However, I had to wait a few weeks before I got listed.


And I still didn't start with the SEO thing. (search engine optimisation) :D


You see, having a website is a lot of work and not only by making the website, but also to promote it, to make money out of it and other stuff.

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And now the SEO things.

You have to optimize your website for the search engines by optimizing your pages with keywords. The right keywords. Go to inventory.overture.com . This page is highly visited and may be down now and then. It is also very slow, but very usefull. It tells you how many searches there were on overture (for a month) for a specific keyword and related keywords and keyphrases.
Type in some programming keywords like "programming in c++", "programming", "java", "c++", "codezila" and look at the difference between the numbers. To give you an example: if you search for Jules Verne you get 200, if you search for Britney Spears, you will get 3 000 000. Quite a difference. So choose your keywords carefully. But the bigger the numbers, the bigger the number of professional websites that optimize for the same keywords. So choose something related to your website, that is not the most searched keyword, but that has at least a few thousand searches a month. This will be possible for you, the other ones will be too hard.

You should get another title. It is one of the most important places to put keywords in. Welcome is not a good keyword.

Get a good description and keywords in your code under the title.

<meta name="description" content="The description of your website."><meta name="keywords" content="All your keywords.">

Try to make a H1 title, but maybe reduce the size of it. And use several H2 titles for the smaller headings and reduce the size too. And put some keywords in them, if possible. (as long as they remain good titles)

Your first sentence is the most important of the whole website(at least for new websites). Put there a description of your website with a lot of keywords.

Remember that search engines can take your meta tag description parts of your first sentences and a bit of the rest of the page as their description.
Thanks to all u visitors, the site is set to launch on January 25th 2005. till then some of the sessions may be unavailable or some links may be broken.
Do you really want this to be your description? I don't think so. And for new websites you can keep this for up to one month. But as long as you aren't crawled by google, you don't have to care about that. But before you submit to them, you should really fix that.

Put some keywords in your main text, but not too much. Remember that your visitors are more important.

Do not put all your hope into google. They won't provide you with much traffic in the beginning (most likely not). There is an effect called the "sandbox theory" that states that your website is in a sort of sandbox on the top (no traffic) and you will only get some good listings if you reach the bottom part (4 to 6 months). This is the case for most new websites and for most new pages. Thus it is very important to get listed with google soon.
The new MSN beta is very friendly for new websites. It's the search engine that gives me the most traffic. You should submit to them too and they care for the keywords density, title tag and all other things I told you.
Finally submit to Yahoo. Let's say that they are in between of Google (who favors the oldest sites) and MSN (who favors the newest websites).

Definately read this a few times. (I spend lot of time to write this.)
You may also check some SEO and Webmaster-forums. The best ones are https://www.sitepoint.com/ (medium to big, but nice community), http://www.geekvillage.com/ (small, but one of the best communities) and https://www.webmasterworld.com/ (very large and IMO not very personal, some threads grow several pages an hour).

To keep visitors, make a forum and a newsletter (in the far future).

Add new content, articles and other stuff as much as possible. Fresh content is appreciated by visitors and SE (Search Engines).

And I wish you a lot of luck with your website. (and a lot of clicks from the google ads if you put them onto your website)

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hi,thanks a lot,its really really a great help,i will also keep in touch wid u,please tell me ur yahoo messenger IDmy one is : top1programerwell there are 4 links from google and 2 from yahoo to my site without submitaland 17 visits of MSN bot, 4 of yahoo and 1 of google bot, exactly as u said msn favour new one and google favour old one.i will soon ask more questions for sure :D

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I don't use yahoo messenger, sorry. But you can reach me at admin(at)crazy-news.net (I never write the @ as there are bots like msn and yahoo that search for emailadresses on the internet to send spam)And that MSN visits you more often than google is just a coincidance. It doesn't mean you will get more visitors with it. If you wait a few months, you will see that they will visit you at the same rate more or less.The difference is the algorythm they use to determin your ranking if you search for a keyword. And there MSN is favouring the new domains if you compare it with google.

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nice design... IMO I don't like background color, but who cares ;)great idea though.. have you considered having a mIRC scripting tutorials ??i know it's not "real" programming... but it would be nice

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