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Image in Signature problems

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Ok I have read forum after forum on trying to fix this issue, here and at Nuke Cops.
Im using php-nuke 7.5
and when I try to use an image in my signature I get just the code nothing else. Im able to use the code in the forum message and image will appear but not in the signature.
I have changed the code in bbcode.php to this

// [img=image_url_here] code.. $text = preg_replace("#[img=((ht|f)tp://)([^ ?&="nrt<]*?(.(php[^[]*|jpg|jpeg|gif|png)))]#sie", "'[img:$uid]1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text);
and still nothing.
I have allowed images in sig. and everything I could think of, any other ideas?

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what is the extension of the image you wanna place. Right now, that I see in this code that only images that end with the extension .jpg, .jpeg, .gif and .png will be showed. Other files like .bmp and .ico will not be showed.


// [img=image_url_here] code.. $text = preg_replace("#[img=((ht|f)tp://)([^ ?&="nrt<]*?(.(php[^[]*|jpg|jpeg|gif|png)))]#sie", "'[img:$uid]1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text);

// [img=image_url_here] code.. $text = preg_replace("#[img=((ht|f)tp://)([^ ?&="nrt<]*?(.(php[^[]*|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|php|ico|pcx)))]#sie", "'[img:$uid]1' . str_replace(' ', '%20', '3') . '[/img:$uid]'", $text);

See what is changed?


Turned into


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