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Is George bush a satanist?

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Yes! George Bush is a puppy-blending, Satan-worshipping hobo murderer! o_o


And here's the filthy lie I wrote some time ago to prove it:



I ran into George Bush again the other day, and you won't believe what he told me. First, I just asked him, "Hey, Bush, how do you make people believe your denials about the puppy blending?"


"I only find the power through my deep faith," he answered proudly.


"You're a dedicated Christian?"


"No, I'm a Satanist!" he laughed, raising his arms into the air, "


"You can't worship Satan!" I exclaimed in shock. "Satan is a bad man!"


"You're right; I can't worship Satan... until I first murder a hobo in his evil name!" George Bush then laughed even more evilly.


"But hobos are people, too!"


"As far as I'm concerned, the only reason hobos exist is for a murder'n," he shot back angrily,


"Now get out of my way; those hobos aren't going to murder themselves!"


"You inhuman ghoul!" I shouted.


"Muh ha ha ha!" was his only response as he went to blend a puppy to give him the energy he needed to murder a hobo in worship of his dark lord Satan.


So, here is the new filthy lie to spread: George Bush is a puppy-blending, Satan-worshipping hobo murderer. Make sure the press knows, because I want the first line of any story about Bush to be, "The U.S. is run by an evil man who blends puppies and murders hobos as part of a satanic ritual".

OH BROTHER!!! I can write somthing up like that about your kerry retard!


btw why wound anyone vote for kerry when he's for MURDERING babys?

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But back on subject..I have seen those pictures before, and I actually got to see him give one to the crowd, but that one might've actually been a satanistic one!!! I was down in NYC during the republican convention. Now, I am a democrat, but I was not one of the protestors. I agreed with the protestors, but I don't think it was that worth it. But his motorcade came by, and when he got out, he gave the horns to us!!!

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But back on subject..
I have seen those pictures before, and I actually got to see him give one to the crowd, but that one might've actually been a satanistic one!!! I was down in NYC during the republican convention. Now, I am a democrat, but I was not one of the protestors. I agreed with the protestors, but I don't think it was that worth it. But his motorcade came by, and when he got out, he gave the horns to us!!!

i think it was ment funny, americans have wierd humor

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Not really funny, just it would've been funny if you had been there having the president of the US giving devil horns to you.And about my humor, I really don't find American humor funny, I am more of a British humor guy. Not that it matters. :roll:

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But back on subject..

I have seen those pictures before, and I actually got to see him give one to the crowd, but that one might've actually been a satanistic one!!! I was down in NYC during the republican convention. Now, I am a democrat, but I was not one of the protestors. I agreed with the protestors, but I don't think it was that worth it. But his motorcade came by, and when he got out, he gave the horns to us!!!

i think it was ment funny, americans have wierd humor

Lol, read my first post in this thread. :D Not supposed to be funny... :D

But yes, you're right, we do have a weird sense of humor. Like electing the bush in the first place

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This is only a bit of fun


OMG The main man is a satanist! I thought he was born again christain.. lol


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This is an Occult hand signal known as the horned hand or the 'II Comuto' Devil sign, which represents the horns of the Devil.  It is used to other Satanists to signal one's allegiance to Satan, or to communicate the fact that the individual making the sign is part of the Illuminati control.  The following photographs show just how widespread this evil is....

source http://rebellionx.com

I think born agains are satanists. But I am republican and I fully support bush. And that has to be edited. Those are pictures u see in the news but with different hands. It's called photoshop. Sorry to keep your hopes down. Or w/e.

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Read the rest of the thread first.And it's commonly known he does that, mostly because the Texas college football team is the Longhorns, thus being their symbol. None of those are photoshopped, he does that often.*EDIT* On further examination, it looks as if only the top one *MAY* be photoshopped.

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yup, the top one does look like its edited. it looks weird. but his head is pushed back and you cant add fatness to somebody so i dont think the first 1 is edited unles someone had added that blue outfit.

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*EDIT* On further examination, it looks as if only the top one *MAY* be photoshopped.

Look closely (zoom in if possible) the top one has a small line just under the wrist.And the shape of hand-border pixels doesen't fit quite right.

OOC - Why does everyone always say Photoshoped? It could be Illustrated or PaintShop Proed or Gimped :D

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