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PHPNuke Image Gallery

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I wanted to install coppermine into php-nuke but it's not possible on the server. It does not support 'GD image' something...Only a stand alone (not ported in php-nuke)Maybe someone who has a solution?

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I'm not sure, but I think I successfuly installed coppermine into php-nuke... Well, I did intalled it, but never inserted pictures, so I really don't know if is was functioning. I did it on this server.

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Well I recommend you use the new version of My_eGallery. It fits in very nicely with the PHPNuke and they fixed the security issues.


Without further delay, a lenghty tutorial.




STEP 1. Extract the data of the zip file into your Root directoy where PHPNuke is. I recommend extracting the .zip on your hard-drive, and re-zip the key folders in one file (Modules, Admin, etc). Then upload the new zip file to your root directory of PHPNuke (where index.php is), click on it and select "Extract file contents." And you're done with that.


STEP 2. Now it's time to add the tables to the MySQL database. Go to your CPanel main page and click "MySQL Databases." Scroll all the way down and click "phpMyAdmin." Look to the left, where it says "Please select a database." Select the database you use for your PHPNuke website. If you don't know, go back to your PHPNuke directory and open the config.php file. Look for following $dbname = "name";. It should the right near top. Look at the "name" part and see what it says. That is your SQL database used for PHPNuke. For example if "name" says "phpnuke1"

you would go to phpMyAdmin and look for the "phpnuke1" databse by "Please select a database."

Posted Image

Once you select your PHPNuke database, you will see the follwoing screen. Note that your databases might look different.

Posted Image

Click the SQL tab. You will see this page.

Posted Image

Hit Browse. Now look for the .SQL file for eGallery. It should be where you extracted the .zip. If it's not then look in your .zip file for the folder "SQL" and extract the file in it to your desktop (or wherever). Select the file and click "Go" in phpMyAdmin. You have succesfully installed eGallery.


STEP 3. Well not realy. Once again go into your PHPNuke root > Modules > My_eGallery and chmod the following folers and all subfolders to 777.: Gallery; Images.

Goto you PHPNuke admin page and you will have a new link called My_eGallery.

The eGallery will tell you to chmod another file (forgot), once it does, chmod it to 666 (MUST BE 666) or your gallery won't configure.


And that's it, start messing with it.

I hope I helped you. I tried to be as clear as possible. If you still have troubles, tell me. I can even install the bloody gallery for you if you allow me.


Oh one las tthing. I can't remember where to get the eGallery.. Someone please post links. Looks like nukecops is down for now.


I would show you how eGallery looks like but the server won't display any of the pages. If you fix it, you can see some pretty images :)


PHEW.. done finaly.. feel free to post questions.

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kewl oOnowing me i'd mess up and my site woiuolds blow up =i just posted a link to my galleries XDmaybe i'll try this sumtime later thanx for the tut :)

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You can't mess up.If you do it will not damage your PHPNuke. If you mess around with phpMyAdmin and upload the database into wrong databse, or whatever, you will not mess up. MySQL is a request driven database, and if a wrong query exsists, it will never be used, so it's OK.The only thing you can mess up is the eGallery. Might be unfunctional.

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Thanks emelin, I've been attempting to do that on some other sites I help with, but to this point I've been to lazy to actually look...

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