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To Admin: Paid Hosting...Please Reply.

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I would possibly be able to get money for paid hosting; however. I want to know that should I spend my money, what's the probability you won't shut-down in the next year? Or have the same crap that the free hosting has...?If I could be reassured then I would have no qualms putting in the effort to get money for the site.Admin...?

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pavel well the Admin cant like tel you wil wil defintely be up for for liek1 year, becuase honestly the admin doesnt know. but i mean nothing bad to say about FNh but i would probaly goto a more popular webhost, but the bad thigns about that is there webhosts are expensive,b but they are really reliable though.

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That's what I'm on about...some form of reliability. Not dissing FNH; but my faith in how well spent my money would be is failing. I basically don't trust you guys anymore...I feel like even if I did pay I would end up getting "done".


You guys at FNH have lost some respect from all this, hopefully you can gain it back; because when you were working you were great...



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Now there's all this talk of the Free hosting being back online but I'm iffy about starting to build/upload my site again...I've had to do it now about five times since joining FNH...


I just don't want to have to re-load my entire site every week because my account has been deleted (as it's disrupting my users and my content; which is getting larger as time goes on.); or the hosting is closing. I mean a little stability would go a long way. Especially with regards to paying for hosting.


I really would love to pay for hosting here if I knew that I wouldn't have to go look for another hosting site again in another few months because this one is having another crisis. My website plans are long term...as it consists of two football club's official sites; I've been thinking about buying a .com as well although I would rather get the hosting sorted out first.


Any comments on any projected reliability?

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Arn't I glad I didn't start rebuilding the site again...saying as the server got wiped. Again...


Suppose everyone has to re-re-re-re-re-re-apply? (6 re's for 6 reloads, incase you were wondering.)


No malice intended admin, I'm just not surprised.

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