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How To Request Free Hosting-*Must Read *(Updated by Naz+Haz)

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Please read carefully so that your application will not be rejected!


Hello, freenukehosting.com offers 800 Mb space and 10 Gb bandwidth.

Here is how you can request hosting. You must have 5 posts before requesting.


Post a new topic by clicking on the new topic button located on every page. Please use this template as it allows the account creators to process accounts quicker.




Subject Of The Topic: Request Free Hosting


Message Body:


*Domain Name:

If you need a subdomain use: yourname.vaio-hosting.com (FYI: Re-directions such as .tk are not valid domain names, so don't request with them)


*Username:(max 8 characters and must not begin with numbers and can only contain letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9)


*Contact E-Mail:(optional)


*About your site:


*Terms of Service: You must read Term Of Service and state that you agree with them. http://forums.xisto.com/


######End Of Template######


*Important --> If you made a mistake and mods have closed your topics, plz do not PM admin/mods. Plz re-request again. I advice you to preview first before you post the actual one..:)


How things gonna work:

1. Post your application in "Request Free Hosting" forum

2. We will review your application.

3. Usually when your application is accepted, we will reply the topic, lock and move it before we send the pm.


Please read this too:


*Your account will be review, accept and process within 24-148hrs..but now we have 7 account creator so should not be taken too long...

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