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i laughed for a half an hour on this

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lmao! that is funny, oh man, poor girl, it would have been funnier if he like got his keyboard and slammed it on her head. and did that really happen?

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lmao! that is funny, oh man, poor girl, it would have been funnier if he like got his keyboard and slammed it on her head. and did that really happen?

I doubt it. For that to happen AND for them to have been recording it is a bit too much of a stretch for me. :)

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oh yea, i forgot about the recording. yea i gues itis a bit of a strech. even though i thought that if it was fake that he would have gotten his computer screen and threw it at her instead of a book that esily folds.

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He wouldn't have gotten that angry that quick. Unless she repeatidly did this. Even then he wouldn't hit her (abuse) because he would lose his job because he didn't talk to her about it. All he had to do was ask her to stop. If she didn't stop he would have told his boss then he/she would have asked the girl to stop. If she didn't it would be on her if she continued and she would be fired probably for causing a niusance. I could keep going...

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The chances that this did happen are actually better than you think if you include the device it's made on. I have a feeling she's done this before, so she's recording it on a webcam, and he just got pissed. If anything, this was used in the assault charges :) . Hmm... I wonder what they were selling...

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You're all forgeting one thing... There are people who are actualy nuts.

Some people just don't give a damn.



Look closely.. He doesen't realy hit her. The book is a safe distance away from her head.. It was still funny though :)

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