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About the cPanel problems

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At this moment, I think everyone has trouble with cPanel because some things won't work. I know this is annoying but I already found more than 5 topics about the same problem. It is just more anoying if you post topics about problems that have been already submitted. There is a support ticket system for this:

The admins are looking at it and I already pm'd admin about it. They are doing their best.

I listed all current problems:

- Contact email won't update
- Won't add email accounts
- Directories are not avaialable and uploading is not working
- Fantastico can not be accesed
- Scripts can't be installed (although it still creates the database)

So please. Don't post anymore topics. It would be good for the forum and the mods and admins here.

And for those who still don't know how to acces cPanel

Have a nice day :wink:

BTW. If you don't like this topic then just remove it without any notification

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Alright. Here's what the problem is. When the accounts were set up, there was a problem setting the permissions. I don't know why this happened, but it happened.


You should have been given read/write/execute access to every folder that is under your base folder, including your base folder.

However, you were not given read, write, OR execute access to the base folder. This is the reason you cannot see anything or write anything. You were given read permissions, but not write or execute permissions, to the public_html folder. You can see what's in it, but you can't write to it or execute anything inside it.


The contact email in cPanel is stored in a file called .contactemail in your root directory. Since you don't have permissions to write there, cPanel can't store it.


The databases are not stored anywhere in your account folder-they are stored in a system folder. The permissions are correct on this folder, so you can create and modify databases.


The email data is also stored in a subfolder of your account. Since you can't write to that folder, cPanel can't create email accounts either.


Password data is also stored in a subfolder. The same applies to passwords-you can't change it.


Your quotas are also stored in a subfolder-though this one is never writable by you. Nothing was written in the beginning, so it appears that you have no quotas in cPanel.


Web Stats are ALSO stored in sub-folders. If you looked at it, you wouldn't be able to see any stats.


Fantastico still has to write files to the disk. Unfortunately, it doesn't have permission. This is why it doesn't work either. It also stores its data in a subfolder-so it won't be able to write data, and it will seem like there's nothing installed, even after you have installed some things.



I believe that covers all the problems, so please do not post any more topics on this subject. If you would like, you can file a support ticket. I am going to ask the moderators to delete any topics/posts relating to this problem without any notice.


No one knows when this will be fixed. No one can tell you, since no one knows. So please, stop asking when it will be fixed.

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