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I believe the estimate is is that if you are under 20 years and we don't find another remarkable oil field, we will see the day the oil runs out. And even before that, oil and gas prices will quintuple and then some. So I don't want to be 80 and buying gas for 30 bucks a gallon. Oh, and if science keeps going the way it is and I live a healthy lifestyle, my lifespan will increase about 7 yrs, which is around 86 years old in the U.S. Hmmm.... anyone up for alternative energy?

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I agree with Miketron. I can't remember now, but when I went to school they always thought us that earth's natural resources take several thousand, some even several million years to renew.There is also a possibility of extracting power from magma, but it would be a b*** to dig deep in the earth for enough lava. Anyone got more info on this?

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like my invention that uses a laser, and a solar cell, to power it's self, and generate more then enough to power something else, possibly as long as the object exsists?©, but thats in theory and i'v yet to try it

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OK. PLEASE don't chew me out, cause I agree with most people here. HOWEVER, science teaches us that the only thing adding energy to this planet is the sun. Thermodynamics teaches that energy can not be created, nor destroyed. Therefore, if we cannot power EVERYTHING (caps for emphasis, not yelling) off of solar power, then we are destined to be using some type of depleteable resource. I do agree, man has been VERY irresponsible in his use of fossil fuels. But we need them right now, and killing the people that use them will not benefit anything. There are now over 6 Billion people on this planet. The population is growing rapidly, but earth has an amazing abillity to put up with us. LOL. I think we should be researching methods of harnessing the suns energy more effeciently, and we should spend time trying to do less damage with the fossil fuels that we are using right now, but the extremes you are suggesting nareth, are just a little too far, and won't benefit anything. And yes, murder is murder, wether it benefits you or not.Nate9000:Sounds like an attempt at perpetual motion. Never been done before, but if you'll PM me more about your idea, I'd love to hear about it.

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well sing everything with energy wouldnt that like suck up energy from the sun? i mean 1 day there wil be no more sun and im not sure in how long like thousands of years or hudnreds but eventually there will be no mroe sun and earth will be pitch black and wouldnt energy like suck up more energy from the sun?and yes energy can be destroyed or whatever ebcuase the sun will be no mroe in the future.

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and yes energy can be destroyed or whatever ebcuase the sun will be no mroe in the future.

energy can't be destroyed, it can be used, becouse when the sun is no more in the future, that means it used all its resources, just like what happins to every other star in the univers

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well we will always have candles. is there any life in the world that can survive in the dark? some anaimls can right? and you know how animals evolve and suff so that in the wild they can be safer and easier to hunt other animals well maybe us humans will have like built in night-vision. who-knows. lmao.

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SSR, I don't mean to insult your intelligence, but I believe it's taught in the 7th/8th year of elementary school that energy cannot be produced/destroyed. What this means is that all energy is USED, never destroyed. There is always a biproduct. You can always do a chain forever on into the future of energy. EX-Water *mechanical energy of motion*-> turns a turbine *mechanical energy*-> creates *electrical energy*-> powers a radio *mechanical/electric*-> provides a function *sound* which gives off energy *mechanical* which is then bounced around until it is harnessed again.EX 2- A different type of energy line- food!!! Sun-> grass-> rabbit-> small mammal-> large mammal-> large mammal dies-> energy goes into ground, where it is used again to start a new line for another plantSo with this theory, when the energy from the sun goes away, it will not be DESTROYED, it will be both concentrated/move elsewhere. I am not the smartest on the subject of solar life, but a sun dies, then becomes a dead star, then either concentrates into a dwarf, where the concentration is magnified by about 500,000,000x, or it fades away into other types of matter, or it explodes into a nova. From there, if it became a dwarf, it becomes another type of dwarf, then if it goes to the next level, it will become an infamous black hole, which sucks all energy into itself and concentrates it billions of times over. It concentrates it so much, even light can't escape it, so we don't know what is inside a black hole. Well, that's your science lesson for today children, you may go now. :)

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TheStand well i dont know i dont remember learning that but whatever it doesntmatter what i was trying to say was that 1 day the sun will go down. that was my point the point wasnt if i was right on why it would go down.

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