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you know i hate all the poeple wich are klling the planet. they are killing our future, theirselves their children. when i sit in the bus im just thinking about all the gas thats destroying the planet. it *BLEEP*s up evrything i get just so pissed and there is nothing i can do!i advise all poeple to use as less as possible resources. like gas , or any toxic resource.i just need to do something even if it includes making a rebel that will blow up all oil companies and car makebuilding thingies(lol)i will kill a few or 1million poeple just to save a future with thousands millions poeple would you do it?

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also most poeple think about theirselves and money and a easy life i think difrent about thati think off a good future with wise poeple that could have normal conversations a great world that can work together to get into space or build up a great world where evryone works together. not against eachotherfortunaly more and more poeple start think ing like me but we cant do anything, were stuck by the superiors of our country.

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Indeed we are, society is in a bad shape :)However, we don't have much influence over how the world is controlled - its the governments which will decide that. By killing people you yourself will get killed - not a good plan

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Indeed we are, society is in a bad shape :)
However, we don't have much influence over how the world is controlled - its the governments which will decide that. By killing people you yourself will get killed - not a good plan

so we need to do somethings it doesnt need to be a harsh way. we would start making groups and demonstrate against alot of bad things. when it dont help im willing to use force

indeed your right, but they may listen to us when were with like millions of poeple. or they will get a bad status and even more poeple would help us, it would start a revolution and they dont want that

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i dont think carbon dioxide kils that many people from buses and stuff due to the fact that we have so much open air. and then why dont you live outside then? your gas from your heater lets out carbon dioxide which is air polution too. i bet you dont want to do that. and man your crazy no *BLEEP*in cars? you are so insane let me tell you. and that means if we started to have no cars and no airplnes and nothing with gas just about everyone would be dead, if you want like no technology then you should go live with the amish people, i cant believe your brining up something stupid like this. no fofense to you utt he diea is dumb beuase just think of the world with no cars and no popultion, we would have to rebuild the whole world and take out eevry street and everything! and if it was better for us to not have gas produtcs then we wouldnt have them. now what you can do and what is a good idea is to get cigarettes out of the world hat would be good cigaretes and drugs that does nothing for us humans/animals/nature, but cars and stuff of that sort do.just my opinion.

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Well, I hope my writings make you feel better.At the moment, Honda and Nissan and some Universities are on the brink of creating solar powered cars. At the moment the cars can only run for a few hours and there are alot of problems but it could become the future. No more gas for cars.Scientists are getting large funds for discovering other forms of mass energy. Solar powered electricity is impossible to fuel and entire civilazation. At the future this might be possible. Some other methods are being excavated, but I reaaly don't know the details.A company has created a robot that powers itself by eating pesky flies. While this may not sound like a reasonable ecology-saving method, later there might be robots that feed on air pollution.I hope they ban paper! Paper kills trees and we need trees for oxygen.. Instead of a paper application, employers can use electronic ones instead. Same goes for personal writting tools. Email is revolutionary. We should use it more especialy now that they have built portable email devices similar to laptop. The only problem is batteries. But even that is less harmful then cutting down trees.Those are some small steps that might make the world a better place.... If humans continue to dig up resources the way they are doing now, we are indeed doomed.Sorry for my spellings today I'm not feeling very well >.< (And yes I'm too lazy to use Word :oops: )

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you know i hate all the poeple wich are klling the planet. they are killing our future, theirselves their children.  when i sit in the bus im just thinking about all the gas thats destroying the planet. it *BLEEP*s up evrything i get just so pissed and there is nothing i can do!

i advise all poeple to use as less as possible resources. like gas , or any toxic resource.

i just need to do something even if it includes making a rebel that will blow up all oil companies and car makebuilding thingies(lol)

i will kill a few or 1million poeple just to save a future with thousands millions poeple would you do it?

Thats still murder in my book,
I believe in EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION. Re-educate the ignorant, And give the ones that need the education for free..
Its not right to say that you`d murder a million soul`s just to save a few thousand. Who/What gives you the right to make a comment like that.
Justify it??

As for re-newable energy`s it would put the HUGE oil companys out of bussiness. And they will not go without a fight. Its big bussiness.
Forest`s are still being cleared quicker and they can grow back.

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i dont think carbon dioxide kils that many people from buses and stuff due to the fact that we have so much open air. and then why dont you live outside then? your gas from your heater lets out carbon dioxide which is air polution too. i bet you dont want to do that. and man your crazy no *BLEEP*in cars? you are so insane let me tell you. and that means if we started to have no cars and no airplnes and nothing with gas just about everyone would be dead, if you want like no technology then you should go live with the amish people, i cant believe your brining up something stupid like this. no fofense to you utt he diea is dumb beuase just think of the world with no cars and no popultion, we would have to rebuild the whole world and take out eevry street and everything! and if it was better for us to not have gas produtcs then we wouldnt have them. now what you can do and what is a good idea is to get cigarettes out of the world hat would be good cigaretes and drugs that does nothing for us humans/animals/nature, but cars and stuff of that sort do.
just my opinion.

evrything you wrote is nonsense, you probally should read more about the naturel envirement and wait till your old enough to understand it.
also who the *BLEEP* says that im against technology.

go play somewhere else :roll:

Well, I hope my writings make you feel better.
At the moment, Honda and Nissan and some Universities are on the brink of creating solar powered cars. At the moment the cars can only run for a few hours and there are alot of problems but it could become the future. No more gas for cars.

Scientists are getting large funds for discovering other forms of mass energy. Solar powered electricity is impossible to fuel and entire civilazation. At the future this might be possible. Some other methods are being excavated, but I reaaly don't know the details.

A company has created a robot that powers itself by eating pesky flies. While this may not sound like a reasonable ecology-saving method, later there might be robots that feed on air pollution.

I hope they ban paper! Paper kills trees and we need trees for oxygen.. Instead of a paper application, employers can use electronic ones instead. Same goes for personal writting tools. Email is revolutionary. We should use it more especialy now that they have built portable email devices similar to laptop. The only problem is batteries. But even that is less harmful then cutting down trees.

Those are some small steps that might make the world a better place.... If humans continue to dig up resources the way they are doing now, we are indeed doomed.

Sorry for my spellings today I'm not feeling very well >.< (And yes I'm too lazy to use Word Embarassed )

you are completely right about the papers. but the first thing is a lie, they already habe cars without gas, some rich poeple in my country even have them, also remember the care race with eletric cars? my country won that race twice.

so we have a conspiracie right there emilin, they just want to make more money from oil.

Thats still murder in my book,I believe in EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION. Re-educate the ignorant, And give the ones that need the education for free..
Its not right to say that you`d murder a million soul`s just to save a few thousand. Who/What gives you the right to make a comment like that.
Justify it??

As for re-newable energy`s it would put the HUGE oil companys out of bussiness. And they will not go without a fight. Its big bussiness.
Forest`s are still being cleared quicker and they can grow back.

i totally agree on education, poeple should be more wise.

also i dont think its murder to kill one person to save 100 persons. note that i sayd "thousands millions" i sohuld have sayd billions

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I am a huge supporter of the use of hydrogen. Recently, my state capital *Albany, New York* became the first cold-weather testing zone for hydrogen cars. With hydrogen cars, there is no use for gasoline, an electric spark starts the car, which burns hydrogen glass, which I believe is somewhere around 50x more volatile than gasoline, so it will last longer. The best part- no chemical output. The only thing that comes out of your tailpipe is completely clean water. It's actually clean enough to drink. And once this is fully developed, we can begin to use the resource for other things that use gasoline/oil, like home and industrial heating. I truly, honestly, in all my heart, think that this is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to come up with alternative energy sources. The only problem I see is what I said, its 50x more combustable than gasoline, so it can be used as weaponry. Thats the only problem I can see.

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nareth your the one who needs to grow up and notice wtf the world would be without like gas and stuff. everyone can tell that your like those little kids that want everything to be the same but also want to change it complteley. lmao you have the stupidest idea ever. your like those moms that want to save education and those moms who raley to keep the earth clean, man. you have no diea wtf the world would be without gas and stfuf.and there are already solar powered cars, the honda civic hybrid is, wait, nvm thats electric, but there are solar powered cars, but they are alo slower.

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nareth your the one who needs to grow up and notice wtf the world would be without like gas and stuff. everyone can tell that your like those little kids that want everything to be the same but also want to change it complteley. lmao you have the stupidest idea ever. your like those moms that want to save education and those moms who raley to keep the earth clean, man. you have no diea wtf the world would be without gas and stfuf.
and there are already solar powered cars, the honda civic hybrid is, wait, nvm thats electric, but there are solar powered cars, but they are alo slower.

who says i want to change i tone time and i kno economy would collapse without gas in one time. buts whats the economy compared to earth

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I'v thought up a power resource that requirs nothing... but i'll have to waite till i can ever create this gadget... some people don't bealive me, but when i explain how it works they most of the time change there minds

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nareth, gas=future, no gas= past, as much as the future will suck we also dont want to go back in the past. i mean one day just about every human will be dead and there could be plteny of reason, 1. eventually the sun wil go down, and i dont think we can live without electricity, and we would have obsoluity no light except candle. and if global warming eevr happened, and im not sure what its called it migt be global warming to or something but when basicaly the whole world would go into an ice age, (like in the movie "The day fater tommroow" and i think thats the movie), so what im trying to say is why not enjoy life and use gas and all that stuff becuase 1 day nobody will be able to use it.

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SSR, we need renewable energy - best alternative. The gas will run out eventually - theres no need to go that far - now is the time for action :)

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