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WinXP Shows the Way M$ Is Going

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It's actually none of the two answers. Many of the things written in the article might be true, but if you ask me blown out of proportions. I think these kind of articles create a certain paranoia among newbies. I wouldn't take it too seriously.

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It's actually none of the two answers. Many of the things written in the article might be true, but if you ask me blown out of proportions. I think these kind of articles create a certain paranoia among newbies. I wouldn't take it too seriously.

i agree. and most of the stufff i elready knew. and i dont care if they know my name or adress i got nothing to hide.
also i think these kind of articles are written to make users go on to linux :!:

and there is also a fact most games go on windows.

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It's actually none of the two answers. Many of the things written in the article might be true, but if you ask me blown out of proportions. I think these kind of articles create a certain paranoia among newbies. I wouldn't take it too seriously.

I agree also. I think there are alot of people out there that do not like that Microsoft has such a large share of the OS. I think most of the articles posted like that one are written by those people. If we want to have a system that can run most programs there are things that we have to accept, one of those things is Microsoft.

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Man that article sux! Microsft is the most popular OS out! And if all that crap was true then I dought no one will by a Microsoft OS! It is just a stupid article and an excuse to goto Linux! Anyway even if your on Linux your still on a Microsft OS!

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Yes, Windows is now present on 90% of the worlds computers according to CNN, but I still prefer to use SuSE Linux 9.2 FTP Edition. I have had better luck with this than windows. I do however feel, that the article posted, does make things out to be more than they are, what bothers me is, Microsoft will require proof that your copy of XP is legal in mid 2005 in order to download anything other than security updates from their site. You won't even be able to update Media Player. That really sucks. (not that anyone here is using a illegitimate copy :) )

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Man that article sux! Microsft is the most popular OS out! And if all that crap was true then I dought no one will by a Microsoft OS! It is just a stupid article and an excuse to goto Linux! Anyway even if your on Linux your still on a Microsft OS!

What? Linux is nothing like MS at all. You'll still be running it on an x86 chip type, but you won't be using Microsoft crap.

EDIT: Microsoft is only the dominant OS because it is the lincensed, sometimes exclusively to PC makers, while MacOS is only lincensed for Apple machines, and linux is relatively new, as a desktop product, while UNIX in general (Mac OS X unix and NeXTSTEP excepted) is too difficult for the average user to bother learning.

Give it time and most of the major PC makers will at least allow people to choose between windows and the Major Linux distros, and that will mean computer prices will drop fifteen percent (the current 15% of a PC's price windows accounts for).

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