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Hello from OK

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Howdy y'all... I'm typing this from the local library computer because ma and pop shun the idea of computers. They thought I should quit school after eigth grade because I wasn't big enough for football and they needed help on the farm. In the end, I convinced ma that school was best and my pop backed off. The librarian, Ms. Feckles, is a very nice lady. She taught me to design websites with the books that came second-hand from Mr. Geoff's little store downtown. So far I'm learning PHP but this whole Internet thang is massive, Well...Ms. Feckles had a stroke on New Years (All that dancing on tables!) and she can't hardly talk anymore. So I am looking for some friends who also know PHP, because I'm getting stupider each day that I don't practice. Shoot! Pa's comin rihgt up the street. Well, I got to bolt.

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Welcome to FNH. Stay active. Please don't spam and be repsectful: Of the members,admins,mods, and the forums itself. Take a look around and I'm sure you'll really enjoy it.Nice intro :)

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I am kind of new on the World Wide Web...what is spamming? Is that somewhere here on the boards? Someone please help me here because I don't know if I've already done something wrong! I just

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Don't worry, here is a quick low down.Firstly, you have done nothing wrong, so don't worry.Spam is what we call posts that are irrelevant, have no meaning, it's a bit like junk mail (un wanted e-mailes and stuff).Admin - are people that are the backbone of the siteMods -help the admin and community (moderators are usualy first port of call of you have any problems)Users - this includes you.yes the web is massive, if you explore the forum, you will find some useful tutorials to help you.-Hazaa-

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