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Your Conspiracies

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Well I just thought of this up.. Post any conspiracies you know. I will post a few of mine.*Washington, the city of the Devil? There are some strange clues. For one, the roads are in a star shaped pattern (exactly like the Devil's mark). The Grand Monument (duh I hope that's what they call it, I can't keep up with all the landmarks), where all the USA victims that have fallen in World War II is EXACTLY 666 feet in height, that includes the support under ground combined with the top. And there has been a lot of talk about the secret government meeting that could have been "the cult." Not even the president knows what the meetings are about. This realy shows that the president is nothing but a slave of the real government, not just in this situations, but many more.*It is belived that subliminal messenging brainwashes the human the brain into buying products, or anything else for that matter. It is used by embleming different images or messages in images, audio, and video. There was a mass-survey where they put a whole bunch of people in a theathre and showed a regular pepsi commercial and a subliminal popcorn message with SKYHIGH prices. At the end, they were rotated into the next movie. The popcorn oversold pepsi, which was pretty unusual, since the popcorn's price was raised to a significantly larger price. The test people have thought that they were testing new projection technology.Well that is it for me. Got anything else?.. I might add anything latter if I can get my brain to straighten out.. So many things to worry about today >.<

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interesting theories im really interested in such things!i believe that conspiracies are evrywhere i cant think of any right now :/though brainwashing isnt a theory anymore it has been proven sientific

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Goverments and scientific communities always use mind bending drugs and subliminal messeges to weild to common folk.Back in the 50`s and 60`s goverments where doping the public with all kinds of mind altering drugs. And still do... :twisted: I VOLUNTEER FOR TESTING MIND BENDING DRUGS... (Lots of them please) :twisted:

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what about the whole moon landing things?i mean... if you actually look at the evidence, its clear they DID land on the moon..but lots of people believe that due to certain things like the way the shadows fall, the moon landing didnt happen.

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you are crazy men

We are merely stating our ideas. I did not state anywhere that the conspiracies are true and that I belive they are.

Just stating ideas, no lunacy here :)

If you do wanna see some crazy lunatics go to the "Do you belive in ghosts?" forum post.. Look at mines >.<

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Goverments and scientific communities always use mind bending drugs and subliminal messeges to weild to common folk.
Back in the 50`s and 60`s goverments where doping the public with all kinds of mind altering drugs. And still do...

:twisted: I VOLUNTEER FOR TESTING MIND BENDING DRUGS... (Lots of them please) :twisted:

Dont quote on

:twisted: I VOLUNTEER FOR TESTING MIND BENDING DRUGS... (Lots of them please) :twisted:

Im not that stupid even tho i may say stupid things...

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I kinda belive the moon landing got faked. How is wind supposed to move a flag on the moon where atmosphere doesnt exist. And the shadows were all mixed up aswell. Maybe its true, maybe man never did go on the moon.But on second thought, it said they were hiding something about the existence of mankind, and the non-existence of god, like another civilization.Then again, i saw a program saying something about the position of the earth and how they setup a mirror floor on the moon which relects somekinda laser to determine or position.Im confused.And Sector 48, Roswell, said to have hidden UFOs. Im not sure about that either.

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About the moon thing, I'm not really sure if I believe or not, but as for the flag thing, if you look close, there is a metal bar in the top. IF we landed on the moon, we had already planned on there being no wind, so we put a metal bar there, so everyone can see the white, blue, and blood red...

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I kinda belive the moon landing got faked. How is wind supposed to move a flag on the moon where atmosphere doesnt exist. And the shadows were all mixed up aswell. Maybe its true, maybe man never did go on the moon.
But on second thought, it said they were hiding something about the existence of mankind, and the non-existence of god, like another civilization.

Then again, i saw a program saying something about the position of the earth and how they setup a mirror floor on the moon which relects somekinda laser to determine or position.

Im confused.

And Sector 48, Roswell, said to have hidden UFOs. Im not sure about that either.

the flag was vibing it wasnt the wind.
also on the film you dont see stars, proven also that there was a brighter light reflecting the star's light

it has never been evidence that could support the argument that moon landing was fake

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