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Greetz from oHIo ev'ryone . My name is Jack . I've been recording electronic music / abstractions / sound designfor 15 years and I have been working with motion graphics and3D animation for almost 3 years. I'm hoping to find free web space/hosting so that I may share my workwith interested folk . I hope that my intentions are alowed here.I know absolutly nothing about managing a web site so I also hope thatI will find information and tutorials here to help me with my quest.I thank you for the opportunity to get this show on the road ... errrr ahhhI mean world wide web.see ya420 / Jack

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Thanks for the note Nareth ."interested" .... well, heck yeah ..... Of course with music and sound design I'd Have no problem at all.Ideas and Think Tanking ... again no problem .... love to But the 3D Charactor and environment design is still out of my league.I've been learning on my own and even what I'm able to do is still verylimited and done in very unconventional ways .... would be hard[very] for me to fit in a conventional game design pipline ..... plus game design is and in of its self a whole new "ball game" when comparedto 3D animation/movie/eye candy making .Thanks,420 / Jack

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im not making 3d game im writing a 2d isometric game with a 3d engine (for lighting and easy coloring etc) and 3d acceleratingi have 2pixel artists i was just looking for a music designergood luck

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hello narethwell. I still don't have a site yet ...... I could make songs, excerpts, loops or etcavailable via my personal FTP for you to to consider ..... or supply me with infoto send Demo sounds to you !!!! sounds great!420 / Jack

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Welcome to FNH Jack. Stay active and Please don't spam and be repsectful: Of the members,admins,mods, and the forums itself. Take a look around and I'm sure you'll really enjoy it.

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