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I prefer glasses to lenses! Wearing glasses makes people look more seriously

Really depends on what kind, if there small and sleak with a sophisticated look yes, but if there big, bugy and look like old person glasses, then u look like a nerd lol :)

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I wear contacts and I have done that before. But I haven't gotten it so bad.. Just a slight pain in the eye.Contacts need to be taken seriously. You MUST wash your hands very good before putting it/taking out, and if you have longer nails, loose them.If your contacts are scratched out of carelessnes you are screwed. Sleep or not. The only way to find this out is to buy a magnifying glass or a case that has a magnifying glass as cover. If your contacts are not lubricated, you might have troubles. If your contacts are lubricated too much or lubricated with a wrong solution, you are screwed. I suggest getting contact safe natural tears and put them in when you put in contacts. If you use the solution cleaner more then once per contact in that little case of yours, you might get screwed. If there is a small pebble on contact before you put it in, you are screwed... just use a magnifying glass.... Rubbing your eyes too much. The bad side is they fall out, the worse side is it may scratch your eys, etc etc.Glasses can mess you up, too.. If you don't clean your glasses and keep them scratch free you could get infection or even worse, worsen your vision.Well hope that was a little informative if you didn't know :)

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Lucky us we now have vision corrective contacts, which is a pocket-sucker ($$$) but it fixes your vision over time.I wear contacts for 2 years now I never had a serious complication. Am I sick of it? Absolutely! Am I going going to do something about it! Most definitely! Is it going to cost a lot? Bet your a$$ it is!

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hahaha as soon as I read the first post in this thread I laughed out loud! I too wear contacts, and sleep in them during the day sometimes when I lay down with my son for his nap....They dont hurt as much as they did before when I wake up...I used to get pink eye if I slept overnight in my disposable lenses because of my bad allergies....but still it is a funny subject! Mine mostly get blurry....aggravates the heck out of me. My husband has perfect vision....I am so envious! LOL But yeah if you have to have any kind of vision correction, you ARE screwed.....LOL Miketron! :mrgreen: :):):) :mrgreen:

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Lucky us we now have vision corrective contacts, which is a pocket-sucker ($$$) but it fixes your vision over time.
I wear contacts for 2 years now I never had a serious complication. Am I sick of it? Absolutely! Am I going going to do something about it! Most definitely! Is it going to cost a lot? Bet your a$$ it is!

Bring on the lasers!!!

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No not lasers. They work like contacts, you put them in and something happens and you get better vision.There's also contacts you put in when you sleep and when you wake up you have perfect vision for the day. Rinse and repeat.

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one time i put on cosmetic colored contacts with my *nails* on.. i had french tips on loland the hard part was taking it off! i didn't wanna risk going blind so i had no choice but to clip my nails :)i cant keep them on long becuz it dries out and i have to close my eyes for a few seconds in order to see clearly again

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No not lasers. They work like contacts, you put them in and something happens and you get better vision.There's also contacts you put in when you sleep and when you wake up you have perfect vision for the day. Rinse and repeat.

Those contacts you wear over night(and the ones you wear during the day too I think) reshape the cornea and shape of the eyeball, so that it goes back to it's original round shape so that the light rays naturally focus on the retina again instead of in a different area when corrective lenses are needed.

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I know this person who nearly had to go to hospital because of looking at a guy welding and the light was ment to stick the lense to his eye.....makes me vomit just thinking about it.

Same here...Except for the vomit


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