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Server Hoster Needed

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Well. Since i did not find any free host with Shell Access(needed to execute EXE files inside a webhost, right?), I will need a human being to host the server :mrgreen:  :)  :!:

yeah if there would be hosts with free accounts poeple could run a virus on the server and hackk al the money!

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You dont actually need to have someone with a fixed IP, unless you need to put it in. You can find a free service which will assign you a location on the net and automatically update the IP address to redirect to.


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2 things.1-I use ? and my father wont let me pay for nothing2-Are you sure? NO-IP and the other site will check my IP and update it?Edited post below:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nvm, I found how it works. Using NO-IP with the updater. Thank you all! I will post the server when I finish it!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Best Regards,Fir-Zen

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