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is xp crap?

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XP is great it has alot of features and is alot easyer to use it has its own fire wall and pop up blocker and more. it also detects hard ware alot beater and easyer, and is good for alot of things you guys are probly useing dos still lol...... and dont tell me you dont know what dos is or your stupid even though not alot of people know how to use it...

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XP is great it has alot of features and is alot easyer to use it has its own fire wall and pop up blocker and more. it also detects hard ware alot beater and easyer, and is good for alot of things you guys are probly useing dos still lol...... and dont tell me you dont know what dos is or your stupid even though not alot of people know how to use it...

There isn't a single major OS that doesn't have a built in firewall :roll:. In fact I believe windows was the last one to adopt it. All the browsers that come on OS X and Linux (Safari, Konqueror, Mozilla, etc) all have built-in pop-up blockers. Guess who was last to add that feature to their browser? You guessed it, Microsoft.

You now I just looove microsoft's hardware detection I plug a flash drive or my iPod in and it says, "New hardware pluged in do you want to install drivers?" No I do not want to install the drivers again. When I plug on of those into my Macintosh there isn't any fanfare no annoying little messages telling me "Oh my god you just plugged in a USB device we at Microsoft are so proud of you", a little icon just comes up in the Finder and I access it like any other drive.

Lastly I am not using DOS to do anything. In fact the GUI for Microsoft is one of the worst (and by extension that includes Linux's since KDE and GNOME seem to closely resemble Windows). Aqua on Macintosh is far far better than microsoft's. It is simple, no useless clutter and things you don't need. The Dock is so much better than a taskbar. No hiding things when there are too many programs for the taskbar to keep track of. And a lot less desktop clutter, as I can keep almost all the programs I need quick access to right at the bottom of my screen. example. And then Exposč the windows manager is absolutely awesome. Hitting F9 arranges all my open windows in little thumbnail screen shots so I can bring to the front without minimizing (something Microsoft claim's they'll do in Longhorn with their 3D GUI, that will use a lot more resources than Exposč does). F10 does the same for an active program. And F11 hides all the windows so I can quickly get to my desktop.
Expose in Action

That was a lot longer than I intended it to be, but now you get the picture about why microsoft sucks after you use anything else.

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win xp is the best alot of features and now with serves pack 2 you get all kinds of hings plus pop up blocker

:shock: Lot's of features? As compared to what? FreeBSD?

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I can not complain about XP... It has been a good thing for me.... I know linux has its advantages but so does any OS but for me XP works good for my needs :lol:

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XP is great it has alot of features and is alot easyer to use it has its own fire wall and pop up blocker and more. it also detects hard ware alot beater and easyer, and is good for alot of things you guys are probly useing dos still lol...... and dont tell me you dont know what dos is or your stupid even though not alot of people know how to use it...

There isn't a single major OS that doesn't have a built in firewall :roll:. In fact I believe windows was the last one to adopt it. All the browsers that come on OS X and Linux (Safari, Konqueror, Mozilla, etc) all have built-in pop-up blockers. Guess who was last to add that feature to their browser? You guessed it, Microsoft.


You now I just looove microsoft's hardware detection I plug a flash drive or my iPod in and it says, "New hardware pluged in do you want to install drivers?" No I do not want to install the drivers again. When I plug on of those into my Macintosh there isn't any fanfare no annoying little messages telling me "Oh my god you just plugged in a USB device we at Microsoft are so proud of you", a little icon just comes up in the Finder and I access it like any other drive.


Lastly I am not using DOS to do anything. In fact the GUI for Microsoft is one of the worst (and by extension that includes Linux's since KDE and GNOME seem to closely resemble Windows). Aqua on Macintosh is far far better than microsoft's. It is simple, no useless clutter and things you don't need. The Dock is so much better than a taskbar. No hiding things when there are too many programs for the taskbar to keep track of. And a lot less desktop clutter, as I can keep almost all the programs I need quick access to right at the bottom of my screen. example. And then Exposè the windows manager is absolutely awesome. Hitting F9 arranges all my open windows in little thumbnail screen shots so I can bring to the front without minimizing (something Microsoft claim's they'll do in Longhorn with their 3D GUI, that will use a lot more resources than Exposè does). F10 does the same for an active program. And F11 hides all the windows so I can quickly get to my desktop.

Expose in Action



That was a lot longer than I intended it to be, but now you get the picture about why microsoft sucks after you use anything else.


I can't believe you would rather have a built-in firewall than a professionally made one. I love Norton Anti-Virus and have used it long before XP Serivce Pack 2 or even before I got Windows XP.


I can't really comment on that whole iPod thing since I don't own one, but I can talk about the other stuff.


You're mistaken about the taskbar. If you actually bothered to check, you'd see that you can keep the taskbar from hiding anything. Your desktop comment is not thought out very well. What is the desktop for? Launching programs and opening files. It's only cluttered if you make it that way.


And the dock. Yes, a dock is very nice if you like things like that. (I don't.) But Stardock also makes a very nice free dock (and a buyable one as well). Not to mention the XP taskbar has a feature called Quick Launch. I'm sure you've heard of it. If you haven't, it basically puts shortcuts to anything in your taskbar. Not to mention the XP taskbar has a Desktop toolbar which lets you access any program/file on your desktop.


Quick Launch has a button called 'Show Desktop,' and does just that. Right-clicking on the taskbar lets you casecade your open windows, or tile them vertically or horizontally.

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xp is the last good operating system from microsoftI have linux also windows apply.and windows ist best choice for mep.s i'm good linux user

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XP sucks, as was mentioned it's just Win2k more user-friendly, its GUI is hideous and it takes more resources than 2K, I agree with lsutjm, 2kPro is the best M$ OS.

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I can't believe you would rather have a built-in firewall than a professionally made one. I love Norton Anti-Virus and have used it long before XP Serivce Pack 2 or even before I got Windows XP.

Last time I checked no one bothers to hack or write viruses for Macs, so the answer is a big, meh. I run it for the tiny level of security I get and the fact that it isn't another big program taxing my puny PPC G3 processor.


I can't really comment on that whole iPod thing since I don't own one, but I can talk about the other stuff.  


What about the bad plug and play support in general in windows, where everything requires new drivers to be installed, whereas Macintoshes come with a standard set of USB and Firewire drivers that works for almost all plug and play devices.


You're mistaken about the taskbar. If you actually bothered to check, you'd see that you can keep the taskbar from hiding anything. Your desktop comment is not thought out very well. What is the desktop for? Launching programs and opening files. It's only cluttered if you make it that way.  


I know about the task bar. I am forced to use windows occasionally, like at school, and I have a windows computer at home that I used to use as part of a render farm and occasionally mess about with GNUstep on. And no on a Mac the desktop is not for launching programs. Maybe in pre-OS X you'd keep a few aliases out there but most program launching was done from the Applications Folder inside the hard drive directory. In OS X program launching for the programs you use everyday (Safari, Mail, iChat, etc) is done from the dock. For Program you only use occasionally there is the application folder. What I meant by my comment was that the dock reduces unnecessary clutter on my desktop.


And the dock. Yes, a dock is very nice if you like things like that. (I don't.) But Stardock also makes a very nice free dock (and a buyable one as well). Not to mention the XP taskbar has a feature called Quick Launch. I'm sure you've heard of it. If you haven't, it basically puts shortcuts to anything in your taskbar. Not to mention the XP taskbar has a Desktop toolbar which lets you access any program/file on your desktop.


I have used Stardock and Mobydock when I skinned a Windows XP computer for a friend to look like OS X. The quick launch is still just plan not as good, in my opinion, as a nice OS X dock.


Quick Launch has a button called 'Show Desktop,' and does just that. Right-clicking on the taskbar lets you casecade your open windows, or tile them vertically or horizontally.

And about the "show desktop" does it work by just hitting F11? Is there anything like exposè that instead of tiling windows it actually replicates what was in the screen shot?


Thank you for having this conversation few people actually will talk about this just go "I've only used XP so it is good."


However I have a couple more points to make. First off, have you ever used a Macintosh running OS X? If you have then I'll give your points extra credibility, but most people I find who say "windows is better" generally haven't.


Lastly, there is another thing that distinguishes OS X from other OSs. It is the Apple Human Interface Guidelines. Basically it is a set of voluntary guidelines issued by Apple that help programs integrate their apps fully with the GUI (made especially easy with Objective-C and XCode/Interface builder) so that you never need to learn new controls when going between apps. There are no unexpected funny buttons that are different between apps. As an example, programs as diverse as web-browsers and chats within Video games can get access to a system wide spellchecker, or when I open up my RSS reader I can look through it just like looking through my music on iTunes. This is what I like about Macs they are built to be used by humans to meet the user's needs, not to makes the user meet the computer's needs.

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The drivers? Actually Windows XP doesn't require a lot of drivers. I've plugged in several USB keys, a Wacom, and a scanner (not all at the same time) -- out of all those, the only one that needed to install anything is one of the USB keys, and that was only to install software for encryption.

If the desktops between the systems have different functions, then they really can't be compared.

For Windows F11 resizes the current window to fit the whole screen. The default is that you hit one button on the Quick Launch and all the windows are minimized. If I really wanted to I could set a hotkey, but I rarely ever use it.

Is there anything like exposč that instead of tiling windows it actually replicates what was in the screen shot?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you're asking if you can take a screenshot, yes, you only need to press Print Screen.
As far as Macs, I believe I've only used OS 9/8, but not for very many functions. As far as Windows I've used 98 (eh, somewhat decent), ME (total junk), 2000 (better than 98 and ME, could use some improvement), and XP (easier to use than 2000 with more features - thank god for System Restore).

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Ah then you need to use OS X at some point. I used to use windows, but the first time I got to use OS X I was hooked. As for OSes I've used. Windows 95 - crapWindows 98 - crapWindows ME - PoSWindows 2000 - Only decent windows ever comparable to System 8 or 9Windows XP - Total CrapRed Hat 5.2 - Comparable to 98 or 95Red Hat 9 - Excellent Comparable to 2000Fedora Core 2 - Best Linux Distro I've used.Mac OS 8.6 - Eh, old equivelent to 95 or 98 in terms of features, but better on ease of use.Mac OS X - Best OS ever.

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