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About Google (You may want to sticky this.)

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Okay, I would like to inform every member thinking of getting their sites linked. Google. This is a very important little tool for all webmasters. As we all know, hopefully, google judges site by many pieces of criteria, one very important one being link popularity.


There is a thing called a link farm, basically you go to a link farm, type your url and it adds it to their database. GOOGLE HATES LINK FARMS!!!!!!!!! Google hates them so much that they ban sites from their database for being on them.


Unfortunately google doesn't ban by url, it uses I.P. addresses. Which means, if anyone on any of the two servers gets on that banned list, it bans EVERYONE on that server. DO NOT USE LINK FARMS!!!!!!! You will hurt everyone on the server. Thank you.

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I totally agree, do not get links from a link farm or create one of yourself. But why make this a sticky? A few weeks ago, I made a small tutorial on how to get more traffic to your website. I suppose this would be better to post that in there as a remark or add, do not make link farms to the TOS.

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Yeah I guess it isn't sticky worthy I just don't want to see all these people get banned because someone was lazy. I worked my *bottom* off with my last site to get a rating going on google, but the site was deleted :P I'm going to work twice as hard now, and if people are working as hard as I was to get on google, and they got banned, I would snap :evil: :twisted: I really would. lol.

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Yeah I guess it isn't sticky worthy I just don't want to see all these people get banned because someone was lazy.  I worked my *bottom* off with my last site to get a rating going on google, but the site was deleted :P I'm going to work twice as hard now, and if people are working as hard as I was to get on google, and they got banned, I would snap :evil:  :twisted: I really would. lol.

What is the best way to get a good rating with google without having to pay those greedy companys?

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google works off the idea that if your site is linked to many times by relevant sites, then you must be an authority. The more sites with similar content to what you have that link you, the bnetter the rating. Now this is a generalization. Other things affect your rating also, like your content. If your content is always changing then that will get you a better score. And the content of your site as compared to the keywords, and title. If your keywords and title are found thoroughly throughout your site, then google knows that it is probably a real site. So all of those are factors. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but those are the basics. I also wanted to ask you Djbungle. Hows the site coming. I was visiting your site for a while, but then I lost the net. I have it back so I wanted to check back up on it.

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But you shouldn't even try to get ranked with a subdomain! Google does rank it, but not that good. But as you all know, fnh subdomain was changed. This means everthing you possibly could have done with google with your subdomain is gone now.If you want to get results from google, you will have to buy a domain name or get a .tk, but that is not very reliable.And after that get many links and optimize your pages for keywords.And then wait ... It could take several months to years before you get visitors from the search engines.

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