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New zelda game

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With being on holiday for the last two weeks, I have not had time to write a review of the new Zelda game shown at the E3 show this year. I'm now back, and you are blessed with my thought from E3 on Zelda. Check out the DS review.


Game: The Legend of Zelda (full title yet to be confirmed)

Release date: Late 2005

Age: 16+

Percentage complete: 70%


On first look at the game I was like wow, when I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream I was like "this looks so amazing".


If anyone remembers SpaceWorld '00, we were treated to a preview of the new zelda game back then (which we all thought would be the Wind Waker). What we saw was OoT style graphics only improved, however with the release of Wind Waker we were treated to Toon Shadding. The game shown at SpaceWorld seemed to just dissapear. Until now......


Nintendo have finally opened their ears and are listening to their faithful followers. For once, we have a realistic Link in a Zelda game. The demo shown at SpaceWorld, looks like it has been made into the next Zelda game. Of course the graphics have improved loads, they look so good!!!


The game is a mixture of what looks like Lord of the Rings and Zelda OoT. The landscapes are eiry and all enemies look like very evil. It seems that Link can now use a variety of weapons which he can use on horse back. Ridding a long and taking a swing at an enemy looks excellent!


The graphics of the game are something we have never seen before, they will take your breathe away.




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That trailer was THIS close to blowing me away. (the only trailer to hold that honor being the Spaceworld 2000 GCN promo...) Awesome stuff; I hope they make this game really shine.

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