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New zelda game

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I never like the wind waker i did`nt like the graphics. so i hope the new one is`nt the same...BTW the snes version- a link to the past is the best.

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yes the new one is going to be awesome i can't wait to get it when it comes out. That the one i been waiting for. Wind waker never interest me at all.

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Yea, Zelda is one of the best games of all time. I've have nearly every game. Can't wait for this one to come out.

I can't wait for Nintendos new console to come out! Though I hope they won't do like they did with the DS and rush it into the factory without even letting developers make games yet.

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I never like the wind waker i did`nt like the graphics. so i hope the new one is`nt the same...BTW the snes version- a link to the past is the best.

i agree link to the past ownz all other zelda games, iam sad to say i dont like the minish cap game and winwaker is ify for me at best, so i hope this game is teh things that beings me back into zelda

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As far as the graphics go the game looks much more like the Ocarina of Time of Majora's Mask than the Wind Waker. Obviously as it's on the gamecube rather than the N64 the graphics are a lot more realistic. In the trailers released so far it shows Link doing lots of fighting on horseback, which looks like it could be good fun. It will be interesting to see which other features they add.

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