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Learning PHP

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You could do it through online tutorials, but I find them harder to learn through, since they don't have a very large scope. I would recommend getting a big book on PHP, and preferably one which includes MYSQL in it. Books are mroe reliable than sites, and a 700 page book will cover more stuff in more detail.

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id go with just writing a few scripts and trying it out.

it helps if you know html already.

or just do this...

<? ?>
code must be included within the above. Each line of code must end with a semi colon.

<?///this wont display cos its not parsed by the script ////(the text following //// on the same line, or anything between /* this */ is excluded)?>

<?///using variables - this sets the variable 'a' (defined by the $) to the value 'hello'$a = "hello";/* this prints the value of the variable to the page - would be the same as 'print "hello";*/print $a?>

<?///gets the value of the variable from the url ...///e.g. if the url is *.php?a=hello, it will print hello to the page - same as above///if the url is *.php?a=1, it will print 1 to the page$a = $_GET['a'];print $a?>

IF / Else statements - same as in excel basically, with different tags
<?$a = $_GET['a'];if ($a == "1") {print $a///if the value of a from the url = 1, then it will print 1} else {print "hello";///if the value isnt 1, then it will print hello}?>

Most php is just an elaboration of that.
Learnign mysql commands are useful

But check out the tutorial section of the site!!

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Hey im thinking of learning php. I just wanted to see how u guys learned so i can try.

Hey, guy!! I think it will be better if you buy php learning books from the store and learn from forum. The book can give you clearly but it's a very expensive(i collect money about 4-5 month to buy it).

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I just started with html, and now i make php, mysql webbased games.So if i was you ill start with html so php will be easyer.or just go to google and type ''php help''

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id go with just writing a few scripts and trying it out.
it helps if you know html already.

or just do this...

<? ?>
code must be included within the above. Each line of code must end with a semi colon.

<?///this wont display cos its not parsed by the script ////(the text following //// on the same line, or anything between /* this */ is excluded)?>

<?///using variables - this sets the variable 'a' (defined by the $) to the value 'hello'$a = "hello";/* this prints the value of the variable to the page - would be the same as 'print "hello";*/print $a?>

<?///gets the value of the variable from the url ...///e.g. if the url is *.php?a=hello, it will print hello to the page - same as above///if the url is *.php?a=1, it will print 1 to the page$a = $_GET['a'];print $a?>

IF / Else statements - same as in excel basically, with different tags
<?$a = $_GET['a'];if ($a == "1") {print $a///if the value of a from the url = 1, then it will print 1} else {print "hello";///if the value isnt 1, then it will print hello}?>

Most php is just an elaboration of that.
Learnign mysql commands are useful

But check out the tutorial section of the site!!

yes thanks, it's helpful.. I need more.. please suggest good sites...

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HI! I know that html is for internet pages, but what I dont know is :?  what is PHP code? :shock:  
why do we use PHP?

PHP is used by some of the webdevelopers nowadays because it is the most easiest and greatest programming script in webpages. PHP is the most powerful script. Ok?

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Learned PHP through reading tutorials, other people's codes and experimenting. I've been programming PHP for 3 years now and it's been fun! Only bought a book on my second year. :P

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I think before starting to learn web programming, you must begin with some simple programming language(like Pascal, C)It will help to understand all the basic things about programming, and then it is a lot easier to switch to another programming language.just my 2c

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To :karliksi don't agree with you .i live in vietnam so i read english not well, I do'nt know Pascal or C but i can write code by php . I can write big site by php.

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