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Admin...Is the BUG fixed?!?!

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Admin,I see that you are now accepting requests for free hosting now, but I still cant upload, fantastico opens, but there are errors:Warning: fopen(/home/unitedva/.fantasticodata/phpLinksFix): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 500Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 501Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 502Warning: fopen(/home/unitedva/.fantasticodata/phpnukedistrofix): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 540Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 541Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 542Warning: fopen(/home/unitedva/.fantasticodata/datasqlfix): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 596Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 597Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /tmp/cpanel.unitedva.1105807588.9522 on line 598-------------------------------------------------------------------------------There seems to be no direcories and everytime I try and upload i get "Error FTP Upload. Access Denied. Could be permission problems."every time I upload... Must still be happening...Also, I cant put in my contact address... i do it, and then it says that i haven't done it yet..HERE IS A COPY AND PAST OF WHAT EVERYTHIN LOOKS LIKE:-------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome unitedva.xerox-hosting.com! Last login from: None Recorded. No contact email has been set. You will be unable to receive notifications or reset your password if you do not set a contact email address. Please update your contact information here. General account information: Hosting package free Shared Ip Address xxx.xxx.xx.xx (x=there were #s there i replaced)Subdomains 0 / unlimited Parked Domains 0 / unlimited Addon Domains 0 / unlimited MySQL Databases 0 / unlimited Disk usage 0.00 Megabytes SQL Disk usage 0.00 Megabytes Disk space available Unlimited Megabytes (I thought 800MB)Bandwidth usage (current month) 0.00 Megabytes Email Accounts 0 / unlimited Email Forwarders 0 Autoresponders 0 Mailing Lists 0 / unlimited Email filters 0 Ftp Accounts 0 / unlimited -------------------------------------I think there are still some bugs that need to be worked out lol... i wish you the best of luck... i sure wouldn't know how to fix this....Thanks in advance for all of your help and for the help of others having the same problems.Regards,[/code]

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The bugs are gone... if you still have problems you must go to the frontpage of this site, and then click on live help. Say your problem and provide them your domain, username and password... live support can help your further with this bug.

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I doubt that... i still have FTP upload problems... the fantastico doesn't even open now... and i still have the e-mail problem... :|

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The bugs are gone... if  you still have problems you must go to the frontpage of this site, and then click on live help. Say your problem and provide them your domain, username and password... live support can help your further with this bug.

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This is a transcript of the conversation you had on freenukehosting.com's website on Sunday 16th of January 2005 at 06:22:39 amYour Alias: ####Department: mainOperator: RandomEmail: main@freenukehositng.comTime: Sunday 16th of January 2005 at 06:22:39 am####: im having troubles with my website Random: ok Random: what troubles? ####: i can't upload data, I cant make folders, I can't create a fourm, basicly I have no permission Random: ah... a lot of people have had that problem Random: I have too Random: im sorry, but i dont know how to fix it ####: oh, is it fixable or will it be fixed? ####: is there a rough time when it might be fixed? Random: i think it will be fixed. hold on for a few days. -----------just a bit of my convo with live help.

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well, bugs arent easily fixed but....they probably can be fixed 99 percent of the time :P so again, we have to sit and wait...oh well

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