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What do you think about fre source code (GNU, AND OTHERS)?

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do you belive what yes all programmers distribute your code program all go more faster all pepole help to program development.sorry my english is so bad :roll:

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I think open source software provides two specific benefits:1) It allows other programmers to "certify" that your code is secure (if it's a sensitive application), and also allows for more people to contribute to finding and fixing bugs.2) It also allows other programmers to learn from the code.As I stated in a web blog thread, I've created a client for use with LiveJournal and I made it open source, I've had more downloads for the source code than for the installation file; mainly (I think) due to my program being the first ever [open source] client created in VB6, and people want to see how I did it (and then steal my work :D).

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I am a big supporter of Open Source Software! I use OpenOffice, GAIM, The GIMP, and even use linux on some of my boxes. I think that by closeing the source to our programs, we are limiting our ability to turn it into something kick butt, vs mediocre. (Sorry, spelling not my strong point). Just look at Apache! It is a great server, but hard to use. Someone came along and made XAMMP for the casual user, and made apache easy to use! (I use strieght Apache cause i'm stubborn) Things like that don't happen with closed source software!

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I think that if someone isnt making money from it, then they may as well share it with everyone else.I do think that if you've spent hours and hours on something that is really professional then you're justified in asking for some money. But my scripts arnt that good yet :DI used to use a lot of open source stuff, i tend to code it myself now though to learn it.

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I'm a big fan of open-source programming. I use VTK a lot now. Robust and powerful without the greed. I've written a stereoscopic Matlab figure viewer using VTK and have released that code as well. Open sourcing enables beginner programmers to write better code, faster. Experienced programmers can get those painfully easy, but time consuming, jobs done more quicklyIf Microsoft released its code for Windows there would be a lot of worms/viruses initially but then people would make it a much better OS.

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