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Im going crazy

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There is this girl i like VERY much, i love her :oops: .but i cant get her. she already has a bf. i wish i was him or something like that. i sayd nothing for days because of this and iwant to cry but i cant. and all these things are going in my mind i just go *BLEEP*ing crazy.PLEASE ANYONE what do i do?!!?!ps. i cant even laugh anymore....

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There is this girl i like VERY much, i love her  :oops: .
but i cant get her. she already has a bf. i wish i was him or something like that. i sayd nothing for days because of this and iwant to cry but i cant. and all these things are going in my mind i just go *BLEEP*ing crazy.

PLEASE ANYONE what do i do?!!?!

Ive been through that situation before..

Theres not much you can do, if she does`nt want you! try just be friends with her! When she splits up with her boyfriend get in there fast...

You could beat the crap out of him (scare him off)
Get some dirt on him and tell her
Tell her how you feel

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There is this girl i like VERY much, i love her  :oops: .
but i cant get her. she already has a bf. i wish i was him or something like that. i sayd nothing for days because of this and iwant to cry but i cant. and all these things are going in my mind i just go *BLEEP*ing crazy.

PLEASE ANYONE what do i do?!!?!

Ive been through that situation before..

Theres not much you can do, if she does`nt want you! try just be friends with her! When she splits up with her boyfriend get in there fast...

You could beat the crap out of him (scare him off)
Get some dirt on him and tell her
Tell her how you feel

i have just using your plan1 at that moment.......
i have been waiting for a years as her BEST friend... but finally, i give up

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try get a gun and shoot him

only if its a long range sniper i will shoot him from far away in a house where noone see me, iwould do it.but i dont want tohurt her...

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Remember nice guys finish last

i dint really get taht part
Just stay as GOOD as you are towards her... and somehow try to keep in touch with her with all good things - though it may be hard... nice guys finish last stands for that.....

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"nice guys finish last" means that people who dont bend the rules dont ever win.In some sense its true - but on the other hand, if you bend the rules and get with her deceptively then your relationship with her wont last for long - so stay honest and just be friends with her.If this guy shes with is a loser itll finish soon enough.

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I've been through this before, for like 3 years, I gave up and told her so and now we are good friends. lol :D p.s I wish we could be more then that. lol

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