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What Happen To FNH 2 Days Ago?

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I wonder why admin keeps making everyone re-apply...problems with the new server? BTW does anyone know how to actually publish the web pages you make in cpanel, so that when you type in the URL to your website, that is what you see, instead of the index? I totally can't figure it out...I feel like an idiot because I'm sure it's probably easy....but still...LOL :roll:

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I wonder why admin keeps making everyone re-apply...problems with the new server? BTW does anyone know how to actually publish the web pages you make in cpanel, so that when you type in the URL to your website, that is what you see, instead of the index? I totally can't figure it out...I feel like an idiot because I'm sure it's probably easy....but still...LOL :roll:

yeah you have to open your public_html folder in you ftp client and drop your index-html file in there along with your images in your images folder or if your going to install say php-nuke goto your cpanel then goto fantastico select php-nuke new install on i beleive the 2nd line it ask where would you like to install it so lets call it :arrow:

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i got the mail and reapplied my name, i havent gotten service back up, probably hasn't been processed yet. So is xerox-hosting the new free server? I found i got this forum through the xerox url, the forum title says right now "buisiness Web Hosting" what does that mean? Oh and will we lose our stuff? cuz that would really suk again.edit: i like the new front page btw.

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BrianGonXerox-hosting is the new free server alright :D i think it says Business web hosting because this new server is dedicated to paying customers.The admins are making effort not to lose they?res customers accounts altough some time things can complicate a little bit and some accounts may be lost...hope you have backups just in case :(regs,Nuno

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my account... lost :D:(:( i feel so sad for the loss of my website and how i didnt recieve any notice.. sigh... i hope this will never happen again as it really hurts.

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Yeah it is messed up when you lose everything..I guess that is what comes from free hosting....still it is good hosting. Thanks for the info SSShooter! Good to know! :wink:

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"yeah you have to open your public_html folder in you ftp client and drop your index-html file in there along with your images in your images folder or if your going to install say php-nuke goto your cpanel then goto fantastico select php-nuke new install on i beleive the 2nd line it ask where would you like to install it so lets call it  :arrow:

or[nuke] this will create the database in your ftp and the folder in your ftp will be called php or nuke whatever you named it you can name it anything you want i preffer keeping it simple   hope this answers your ?if you know php you could drop it into your root directory public_html but there is some editing you have do to the config.php file first and you have to create the databases in your mysql so unless you know what your doing to the root directory ide suggest just doing it from fantastico" :wink:Ok in your cpanel, how do you get to your public_html files...I cannot find it...I have PHP Nuke installed, but couldn't get anywhere with it...I created a page for my website with PHP Website, I like it...Does it matter which one you use to create your webpages with?

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anyways, luckily i took a backup, but i'd rather have my info instact. Maybe my freenukehosting, will get turned into xerox-hosting, i posted at that thead within 24hrs.edit: i found my self on pg 11 of that thread still no account, theres a notice on the 9th page saying "done up to here" so i'll see.

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*Sigh* My account is not on both freenukehosting or xerox hosting, and alot of people who did reply to the thread have got their account back. I replied well in time, but my account is non existent.skyglow1

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Sorry to bump this topic up, but I'd just like to add my 2 cents about the stability of FNH I've seen. Wait, what stability? There has never been stability with this host. I've joined before November 2004 (I don't remember because that forum got deleted too), my site got deleted as well. It seemed like every month the host goes down at least once. I don't know what it's been like for the past three months because I have been in search of other hosts that were more reliable. Hosting accounts with 800mb is very generous and I appreciate that, however, at some point in time the reliability and stability of the websites hosted have to be taken into account.Thanks for reading,Dennis

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