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In with?s country do you want to rais childre?

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You mean   Live or leave?
I wanna leave england and go live in australia :D
Raising kids,   im not ready for that yet,   career first!

I meen: Live

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Well, for one, my family is Polish, and I like how they always stick up for whats right and hold true to conservative values. (i can see another debate coming on)

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Yeah maybe you should have included an "other" option lol
My choices would be:

1. USA
2. UK
3. Poland

why poland?

Why not all countries?

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To live in Spain, I'd rather stay here, in Portugal. USA is too lame, a lot of fake freedom. I don't know much about Australia, but doesn't seem very cool to me. I think Sweeden is cool, but the cold... :shock: I really don't know, I'd have to live in some countrys of my choice for a while, and then choose one. I guess Canada would also be cool, but, the cold...Anyway, those four countrys aren't enough for a pool.

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Sweden, Norway and Poland!! The (un)holy trinity of Metal scene in Europe. Yeah! :DI'm from Poland but I think it would be nice to live in Norway to. :(

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Sweden, where I was born! :D (I don't live there now, though).The UN says that Ireland is by far the best country to live in according to its statistics.

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I would like to make my own country on a very small private island.. I'd have a helicopter, and guns, and lions and jaguars and all that fun stuff to keep me away from l00ters..

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