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Worst web host?

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website with pop up or ads like Angelfire or Tripod... Geocities is okay.. i do have an account and i am able to block the ads... so... that's ok. Freewebs was good, but it's not. you don't have FTP. your limit of uploading is 50 items...

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Wanadoo are pretty naff - I hate their big frame they put at the top - ruines all the layout. I've been with many, but my last was paid and they lost everything, I was so mad! payed ?25 for it to

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50webs.com sucks. they give you 60mb space and unlimeted bandwidth. Cool deal, no ads right? WRONG! you can only upload a crappy 200kb file max. Total suckatude. At lease they let you direct link though. Maybe good for sig's and that's it? Too many better services, then I found FNH and my jaw dropped. LOL

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Angelfire (I hate these 'Image hosted ....' things) and such web host where you only have 1 MB webhost. Come on! Wtf should you upload there?!

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I can say thet all Russian free hosts are terrible. For example narod.ru, fatal.ru...

Yeah! H1.ru, holm.ru...
You know these hosts??? I thought that only Russian freeloaders know them!

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I found sbn.bz through someone at another board. It was the Free Lunch Design forum. Check them out for cool games. But anyways my website was gohst.sbn.bz and it has such a cool name I didn't wanna change. But the site was only for my game but it was 2MB and they only let you put up 1.44MB files (they give you 60MB of site though) then tripod didn't let me direct link my 2MB file so you can see my site kinda fell apart pretty badly. But atleast it looks cool. They gave you free templates and so all you had to do was type in your info and that was pretty cool. But the small file size made me leave, but the awesome website name kept me coming back and back and also it was easy to put up stuff too, like writings and the file manager was easy too despite the rather small file size. Oh, and they didn't tell you about the file size limit. You had to figure it out yourself. So when I had a modem it took 20 minutes to upload the 2MB file and when it was done it didn't show up in the file menu and no message arrived saying it was too big. It just wasn't there. So you tried again thinking you made a mistake. After a while it got tiring and, not to mention, annoying. :!: :!: Thats all I have to say.

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I haven't encountered any... I put forward XWH as one of the potential candidates... lol

I know but when they were up, they weren't half bad. I mean, geocities is just useless. No remote linking, hard to use html, low bw.

I can agree to that one :wink:

u got that right. they already closed down their free hosting

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