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You will need to have Windows installed first. Linux will allow a dual boot system, but windows will overwrite the bootloader when installed, so you won't be able to boot into Linux. IF you install Windows first, everything will be fine.
A good place to see which distro you want is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
Another good spot is http://iso.linuxquestions.org/

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It's not so difficult. Some things are more difficult, but with time, you should be able to handle it easy. I would recommend getting a book to learn, at least the basics. Even one of those Linux for Dummies books will get you up and running.
If you want something easy, I would go for a distro like SuSE. You might also want to try a live CD, either Knoppix, http://knoppix.net/ or SuSE's live-eval DVD, https://www.suse.com/ These run from the CD or DVD drive with nothing to install. It will give you a idea of what Linux is like.
I highly recommend using Linux. At first, I was just playing around with it and now I use it 99% of the time.

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We are pleased to announce that Ubutu Linux has recently won three awards from ArsTechnica.com:    * Best Community of the year.    * Distribution of the year.    * Best newcomer to the community. From the article:"We didn't have many surprises. Ubuntu Linux had a huge turnout owing to its raging popularity on the desktop. It is like Debian, but unlike the Debian Project, Canonical appears to actually get things done. The distribution is targeted squarely at the desktop without all the political red tape in which the Debian Project seems to have wrapped itself. "


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will it work if i make a partion n have it wif windows on one linux on outher

be careful!, installing linux (in windows aswell as in graphic mode can FRY ur graphic card!), and if you do not defrag ur windows partition, and make a new linux one, you may lose all ur files, and system drivers!, Read everything you can! and be Careful!, if you read tutorials online and possible have some one tell you how to do it, and you pay attention, nothing shuld go wrong.

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be careful!, installing linux (in windows aswell as in graphic mode can FRY ur graphic card!), and if you do not defrag ur windows partition, and make a new linux one, you may lose all ur files, and system drivers!, Read everything you can! and be Careful!, if you read tutorials online and possible have some one tell you how to do it, and you pay attention, nothing shuld go wrong.

What?! Have you any idea what your talking about?

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yes becouse the first time i installed it on a win32 computer i fryed my graphics card and lost all my data. this information backed up by my uncle which is a well repected computer programmer, i'm just saying, don't (f) around, just be careful :D

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