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have you ever been to japan?

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japan is a very beautiful country,and it is very tidy.i have been there twice,if you are going to japan for travelling.i would tell you it is a good choice!!

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japan is a very beautiful country,and it is very tidy.i have been there twice,if you are going to japan for travelling.i would tell you it is a good choice!!

I agree with u! I've never been to Japan but i really want to go THERE !

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I've not been but i'd really like to... tbh id really like to visit every country i havnt been to, Japan is probably lower on my list than some at the moment cos i went to china quite recently - i know they arnt the same, but south america is probably where i want to go next - i was invited their actually, hmmm maybe i should go follow that up

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Ive never been to japan but i would love to! Those guys are so far ahead in technoligical wonders....And it has wonderfull landscapes..

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I have been also. I lived there for about 9 months (military). I loved it. If you go try to make it to Osaka. They have the big Budda there and the squirrels, in the near by park, will eat out of your hand. The other place to go is Roppongi, that is in Tokoyo. That is where the nightlife is. Then of course there is the old stand by Mt Fugi. You can get a walking stick and get it knotch at different points up the mountain.

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Visited a few years ago and although some locals tend to be a bit xenophobic, people are usually courtious and something funny happened to us: we went to a small restaurant to grab something to eat, after mimmicking and signaling what we wanted, we enjoyed our lunch and left the amount of money written on the check plus a tip and started walking sown the street.I kept hearing a small voice and constant "clack, clacks" but payed no attention, until about two blocks later, a small girl waring the traditional wooden sandals (hence the "clackety clack") caught up to us al out of breath, and handed us money while saying "No tip neccesary!" :shock: That pretty much sums up the japanese: work hard at whatever they do, honest, and a bit zealous of strangers.You have impressive cities and wonderful ancient pagodas up in the mountains.If you get the chance, go and visit, it is a great place.Regards from MexicoPS I forgot to mention they have the prettiest girls there ;)

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