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First flash template

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This is somthing I designed it is not a website its a template that's why I didn't put in website show off. Anyways this is the very first thing I have ever done in Flash. Every image is orinally made by me in PS. There are a few tweeks that I need to make to the graphics but overal I think its good. Enjoy.


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Nice! Good Idea. It looks like you are entering some kind of underground society - like in "total recall" f.ex.I think i would use more frames for the fan (make it run faster). It is a bit jerky, almost like it's going to stop. :D

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The fan has a specfic place where it stops for a second so i suppose sandman is right.But i love the green shadowy area behind the fan.The other graphics are nice and moody too, but again, seem a bit pixelly somewhy.

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