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First of all, I would like to thank FNH providing such a wonderful web hosting service like no other.

Despite of the wonderful service, however, I personally believe that this service would be improved in many ways. First of all, please take a close look on the sites whom you've provided the hosting, most of them are untouched. If I am correct with my calculations, over 60% of the accounts appeared on the request forum are left unused within the first week, and percentage dropped to 57.94% on the second week. In my opinion, it is a completely waste of resources! Especially with you, which offers 800 MB of web space, that's a lot of space to be put a side for no purpose at all.

The reason for that is certain, people are not putting enough attention onto their web sites. Excuse me if this is not true, but I think your criteria for accepting account requests are too low. Pay a visit to the account requests forum, and take a look at most of the requests, especially the description section; most of them are pathetic (sorry), I mean, just look at how many of them are just one-liners describing so vaguely, that most of the time you (or I) won't know what the site is going to be like. Unfortunately, most of the time, the vague description implicates wasted space, because it shows that the applicant are not willing to spend time and attention into their site, therefore, resulting in the waste of web space, as I described above.

In my opinion, I believe that the FNH staff should raise the standard for the applications, which is indirectly, to make them work hard for their sites. As my ex-host, IllusionFXNet (https://illusionfxnet.com/) has a very high standard for all the applications. You can take a look at their standards in their forum. In fact, for us, SciForum, we've actually spent some time to write, proofread, and document our description; you can take a look at it for future reference. But note that I am not saying every applicant must spend a long time writing long essays. Just to show that they are intending to build a good site is good enough.

hi ! 
I need free web hosting 
can you create for me ??? 

UserName: clam or clam102 
Domain Name: clam102.tk or clam.freenukehosting.com 

thanks !

This person, for example (no offence to you, clam) just wrote this, no description whatsoever about the site, yet the admin accepted his request. I think for a top-level webhosting provider like FNH, the standard should be higher, aiming toward site with more future, not just blankly give out webspace for free. 800 mb is a lot!

Last but not least, there should be a way to track down empty accounts. Forum posts, first of all, it not a good way, because the number of posts on the forum does not reflect the activity in their web space. I propose the policy of setting a minimum bandwidth every month, for example, 10 MB per month, and a 15-day activation limitation, etc. With these, I believe that FNH would be a better service for everyone.

Please take some serious consideration into my message, not only will it make FNH a much more prefessional webhosting company, it will also benefit a lot of other users by saving resources.


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First of all, I would like to thank FNH providing such a wonderful web hosting service like no other.
Despite of the wonderful service, however, I personally believe that this service would be improved in many ways. First of all, please take a close look on the sites whom you've provided the hosting, most of them are untouched. If I am correct with my calculations, over 60% of the accounts appeared on the request forum are left unused within the first week, and percentage dropped to 57.94% on the second week. In my opinion, it is a completely waste of resources! Especially with you, which offers 800 MB of web space, that's a lot of space to be put a side for no purpose at all.

sorry, i just didnt feel to read all that stuff... this first section was enough to prove u r wrong :D

first, free hosting prviders make 90% or their money on google ads... and as many members this forum have thats better.. and im not shure but higher # of members (even inactive) gives more money per click then some smaller forum would get... so any inactive member is welcomed.. and if active thats even better :D

second, hosting dont work like u stated... lets say i have 1GB of space and i give accounts of 100mb... if u r correct i can give only 10 accounts.. but i say no :D... things work like this... space isnt separated... there is a reason this is called shared hosting :D... we all share our space on 1 disc.. and i can have like 50 accounts of 100mb each and they will still not fill up my 1gb disc.. and when i find my disc filling up i will simply extend it and transfer extra accounts :D.. or extend all server like admin did few days ago :D

hope this answered your "questions".. :twisted:

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Besides, with only 10 posts under your belt, you can hardly claim to be an expert - even though you have been a member for over two months.It would be more prudent if you concentrated on your own activity rather than other members inactivity! :D

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