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Lyrics or Music

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What do you think is more important, the lyrics or the music? In other words, what do you care most about? I think this is an interesting issue and it's worth posting about.


IMO, I would bin right on the spot a music with great lyrics, but a weak melody or poor arrangements; but I find much more acceptable for a song to have weak lyrics, and yet be great music.


Of course, there's nothing like a balance of those two... But in lacking one, I would prefer to keep "music"... That's why there are instrumentals; and we're talking about MUSIC - the lyrics are just an interpretation aid.


What are your opinions?


Cheers! :D

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I think music is more important and looks like the world is with me! :D The reason why songs with poor lyrics but with good melody dominated the music charts. But lyrics is also important. Personally, when I chooses a song for myself such as making it as my favorite song, I'm after both! :D

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Its not often I listen to music that has lyrics. I usually listen to Aphex Twin, you should try some of his work and see how non important lyrics are when you're creating a masterpiece.

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if there be only lyrics, you couldnt say it is music :Dand when you hear only music, without words, you still can say it is music.These two things must be together all the time ;] we cant split them and play only one thing.

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I think it really depends on the song. Some songs describe themselves through the music, like James Horner, but some songs the music is only there to carry the lyrics. (like Avril)

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It really matters on what type of song that your going for. I mean, one of the bands that I'm in *not The Stand* is a jam band, so we play a song for 17 minutes, without as much as anyone aproaching the microphone. But my main band, The Stand, is a Prog-rock band, which is all about telling stories, so unless we use a ton of effects to the song, alot of it comes vocally. But me being a songwriter, I would say music.

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i will care first the music then the lyrics. if i support the music, then i listen to the lyrics. i can't reverse it. imagine you have nice sweet lyrics and the music is rock... it doesn't work.

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Yes it does. "The Perfect Drug" is a blatant love song when you look at the lyrics but the music is pretty dark. Also features one of the best drum solos I have ever heard. The song is by Nine Inch Nails if you want to hear it some place.

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Its not often I listen to music that has lyrics. I usually listen to Aphex Twin, you should try some of his work and see how non important lyrics are when you're creating a masterpiece.

OMG Aphex Twin is uberguber!

but they have lyrics. listen to Milkman. haha

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