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MSN beta search

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Does anyone know when exactly the msn beta search will replace the normal search on msn?My website is #1 on a single keyword search there! If you search for crazy, crazy news or crazy news stories.It's quite obvious why I'm curious. :D

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Just install the new Msn beta Tool bar................

It has nothing to do with the toolbar.

I like the new search also, my site was also on the #1 place :wink: !
Don't know when, but I think a little while it will be BETA.

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I still think Google is the best ^^

Duh, microsoft sux.

I agree, but be honest; how much people use Linux or Mac. Not much, and this has a reason.

And google is not god, lol. It needs some serious concurrence. And is it normal that only old and big websites with a lot of backlinks (paid ones at yahoo are worth a lot) do get placed first at the search results? There are a lot of new websites that have good content and should be placed first. And there are many 'spam websites' results in the top 20 of google.
MSN Beta seems to give more attention to the website itself, the keyword density and stuff like that. I heared from many webmasters that there is less spam, at least in their category, in the search results.

And I like every search engine that gives me a lot of traffic. And msn beta, that almost nobody uses, is already giving me some. :D

Do not condamn a search engine before you used it, simply because it is from Microsoft.

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