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What movie is this?

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It goes for four hours, yeah. Its about psychics who live in a haunted house, or something. I'm not sure but i'll look out for it.

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It goes for four hours, yeah. Its about psychics who live in a haunted house, or something. I'm not sure but i'll look out for it.

I just remembered something from what you said. Over Halloween I seen the tail end of a film which sounded like what you just described. It had these psychics living in a haunted house (haunted by DeBogel or something. I don't think that's it, I can't really remember) and one of the women kept getting possessed and all these weird things started happening. In the end the main scientist got some big machine (EMP sort of thingy) to get rid of all the ghosts. I think the film was the original Hell House, or the old House on the Haunted Hill?


I honestly don't remember the name of it, but it sounds a lot like what you just said.

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