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PS: Fire Text (intermediate)

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Nifty little thing I learned the other day.

It looks so c00l!


NOTE: This is actualy a shorter process then it looks. Don't get discouraged by the lenght of this guide, this can be done in less then 30 seconds once you get it.


1. Make a new document (transparent) any size (400x200 recommended).

2. Set the backround color to black.

3. Select your favorite font and type FIRETEXT (or anything, make it larger then 20 for best effect). Make sure it is Smooth AA.

4. Go to Filter > Stylize > Wind. Make sure "Wind" is checked under Method, and From the Righ under Direction. Hit OK.

5. Press CTRL+F once to reaply wind.

6. Go to Filter > Stylize> Wind again but this time select From the Left under Direction. Hit OK.

7. Press CTRL+F to reaply Wind again.

8. Go to Image > Rotate Canvas > 90* CCW.

9. Reaply steps 4, 5, 6, and 7.

10. Now it's time to restore the image to original position. Image > Rotate Canvas > 90* CW. That should bring the image back to original position.

11. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the radius to 2.0 pixes. Hit OK.

12. Select Image > Mode> Grayscale. It might ask you are you sure yo wish you convert to Grayscale.. Hit OK.

13. Select Image > Mode > Indexed Color.

14. Go to Image > Mode > Color Table. Select Black Body from dropdown menu and hit OK.

15. ALMOST DONE! All you need to do now is create a new text layer, and type the same text in black color, and place it over the older, less visible text.


Should look like this:


Posted Image

Posted Image


Good luck, and if you need any help, post here!

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