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please check my site

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i a making site for programming stuff,
please check it
well i havent done it full
but will do it full soon,

actually its codezila.com but i hvent got FNH hosting yet
i will upload site there once i get FNH hosting
till then its codezila.tk

any suggestions and stuff welcome

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looks good, you have this on the site - Sign-up with codezila and start your auction site today totally free... is it free to sign up?

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I like your design, nice and easy on the eyes. Don't make it more full than it is now though. I'm not too big on the programming stuff, but I would love to find out more... Is it a website for newbies or advanced ppl?

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its website for all ppl,i will soon make more and more sectionseach download will be mentioned as for newbie or advanced or for intermediate person.there will be also one seperate section for free offers and stuff,u can find there best free resouirces and stuff from internetlott of work to be done

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the site is cool.i also have an off-topic question.mydot.tk uses frames to redirect to your site, so can can you know where your visitores came from (refferals) ?

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the .tk i am using temporarilyactually my domain is codezila.com but i am not getting host for thatwell i dont have clear idea bout that frames and all

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well the logo is quiet big in size its 30kbit should be 15kb i will reduce siae soonso it will be much fasterthe server i am hosting it on is slow too

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yeah, really useful content and a nice simple design - winner

thanks man,
well i will improve the design a lot soon as there is some problem with color shades
the violet color should be more dark than this
watch out i will give a lot more stuff soon

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Hello Saravanan!Did you remove your site or something? I can't seem to be able to open it.And I searched for more free hosts for you but FNH is the best there is. I would not look anywhere else if I were you. As for your not getting your request, just wait for a little more time. I am sure you will get your request once hosting opens again. This is a very friendly site and they give hosting to almost everyone.See ya!P.S. - If you still want to know about any other free host, I know about one. You can either PM or email me to know about it.

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