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Why don't you(FNH) support ASP?At click here free, there are many Free web hosting services that support ASP.Best RegardsFir-Zen

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Why don't you(FNH) support ASP?At click here free, there are many Free web hosting services that support ASP.
Best Regards

This is a Linux Server. If you put Apache ASP on linux its not gonna work like Windows ASP because when i used Apache ASP the pages that worked on a linux server didn't work on a Linux Server. It says something about a cgi or perl error.

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NO ASSP! pleasebad enough we have the most active thread about Windows f**king viruses on peeps personal machines - keep our community strong :twisted: :twisted:

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Yes. I also hate Microsoft. Evil bastards, they are. . . Down with Microsoft! Down with the Monopoly! Kill Bill Gates! Sieg heil! o_o

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Yes. I also hate Microsoft. Evil bastards, they are. . . Down with Microsoft! Down with the Monopoly! Kill Bill Gates! Sieg heil! o_o

lmao mwahaha... I like that attitude, however i cant get rid of M$ yet... cant convert to linux fully, need more time to learn.

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I regret only having learned ASP. have to start over from scratch with PHP.

You are problably the wise one who is somehow stitching your torn clothes in time.... PHP rules... :D

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As much as I resent the use of the phrase, I feel the need not to yell but to correct. If you are going to say it and i wish you wouldn't but it is spelled Zieg Heil

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As much as I resent the use of the phrase, I feel the need not to yell but to correct. If you are going to say it and i wish you wouldn't but it is spelled Zieg Heil


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As much as I resent the use of the phrase, I feel the need not to yell but to correct. If you are going to say it and i wish you wouldn't but it is spelled Zieg Heil

No, Zechs Merquise is actually correct - it's spelled with 's'.

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