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Root Canal

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Who among here had root canal treatment to save their tooth? I'm quite curious because I'm currently undergoing this treatment. :roll:

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one of my wisdom teeth was extracted two months ago, those who'd undergone through the same procedure know what involve....


adrein I wish you all the best...........

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A few years ago, they extracted 4 wisdom teeth from me. I walked with ice around my head for one week and that's why I didn't have much pain, but it's quite uncomfortable. I even slept with it!But it can hurt a lot if you don't do that.

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I don't think I've ever undergone a root canal.... I've had my wisdom teeth pulled, though.My mother had one and according to her it wasn't fun.

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My mother has bad teeth, theres not much hope for me (i think i take after my dad, who has good teeth  :D )

Hey, - there's a syntactical error in there, somewhere! :wink:

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Ive not been to the dentist in a while, never really needed! But 12 months ago i got jumped by a gang, i got hit in the mouth and got my 2 front teeth chipped, Im thinking of getting dental insurance so i can get them fixed. Only 1 problem im scared of the dentist and needles.. uwww :cry:

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Ive not been to the dentist in a while, never really needed! But 12 months ago i got jumped by a gang, i got hit in the mouth and got my 2 front teeth chipped, Im thinking of getting dental insurance so i can get them fixed. Only 1 problem im scared of the dentist and needles.. uwww

I think there's nothing to be worried about. I think pain is part of our lives, be it from a needle or the scary face of the dentists :D . In your condition, since your two front teeth were chipped, usually the last solution for that is root canal treatment especially if you've experienced pain.

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Ive not been to the dentist in a while, never really needed! But 12 months ago i got jumped by a gang, i got hit in the mouth and got my 2 front teeth chipped, Im thinking of getting dental insurance so i can get them fixed. Only 1 problem im scared of the dentist and needles.. uwww :cry:

That sounds pretty painful. O_o

Don't you just love group hugs [thatinvovlehittingandkickingandbaseballbats]?

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