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The truth about FNH's rank

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Everytime I use a diferent computer, I see to it that I won't forget to vote for FNH with 5 stars. But as I have noticed, many are still voting FNH with one star. I don't know if who they are. Maybe they're the ones who were not accepted here because of bad attitude in the forums or what. Anyways, the real score why FNH can't reach the the no. 1 spot is because of these people who are trying to pull FNH down by writing bad reviews at ClickHereFree. 5 is the perfect score and the no. of stars the people will give as a review for FNH will be added together and will be divided to how many these people are. For sure, if there are still many who will poorly rate FNH, we'll never be on top. Take Omega Webhost for an instance, they only had 18 reviews but since these reviews all gave 5 stars for Omega, it had perfect stars and they are at the top. About FNH, currently we have more than 700 reviews but we're still at no.8 spot with only a minimal difference from other hosts in terms of points.

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that's really bad... in other way, i think it's good to get noticed about this for the people that doesn't already vote get. in my case, i already vote with differents mail accounts...regards

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i voted for 1 hr non stop using ip anon masks all ip addrrees every 5 sec the world thinks yr ip changed nut i did not its jus the program...

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i voted for 1 hr non stop using ip anon  masks all ip addrrees every 5 sec the world thinks yr ip changed nut i did not its jus the program...

whats the IP program called and where can i find one!

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you can use this website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ :D it will do the trick :DAny the votes obtained on the Clickherefree doesn?t matter because they don?t tell the truth about the FNH. I know the value of this organization so thats enough for me to tell that here?s a GREAT webhost service.Most of the nagative votes comes from people who never visit this website or use its services... that negative votes came from friends of XWH members and other freewebhosting sites that don?t have means to obtain the popularity and have to use this metods to be known.regsNuno ps- sorry for my bad english but i?m portuguese :D

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They should just rank us themselves :D The method of voting now means that other hosts can vote against others, which isnt really fair :roll:

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its ment so sites will be competitive but ppl dont like to play fair and vote against sites they dont know about or dont use cuz they have a dif host.never know maybe xwh treatenstokill accounts for there users to make bad reviews?

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